Nice capture, any thoughts on the pet handling? First thought I had was such a short lease, tethered a bit high, good thing the pup seems obedient. Richard weigh in here.
Richard, I like this photo. I would not suggest cropping any of it. To me, it would destroy the context of the dog to his surroundings.
I don't like leaving a dog on a tether... Of course, if the owner is just going in for a quick cup of coffee, I guess it would be O.K. I would then tether the dog to a lower bar but, that's just meIf it were my dog, I would eat or drink my order at the table outside the restaurant so my pooch could be with me...
I saw a documentary travel show about Iceland a couple of years ago and the commentator mentioned that it is not uncommon for moms to leave their babies in a stroller outside a grocery store. This horrified my wife and while it did not horrify me, I would not do it...
Just recently we had a major court case in which a parent left a baby in a closed locked car while shopping. The outside temperature was in the 90's F. (32-35 C.) the poor kid died. The parent said, "I just forgot I had the child with me!" I would expect that this parent had been dabbling in some kind of mind altering drug or drugsI don't remember what sentence was passed. I hope it was stiff enough!
The 'pup' looks middle-aged, and seemed quite content with his lot. He was obviously well known to the locals and got a lot of fuss from passers-by.
I saw him again about half an hour later outside the other pub in town....
My guess is that his owner is elderly and can't bend much - hence the high tether point.
RACQ receives four to five calls every single day to rescue a child locked in a car. In summer here the temperature inside a locked car can soar to over 80C within half an hour. Most cases are where the child has accidentally locked mum/dad out while they are filling up on fuel.
I prefer the original shot, Richard (DickyOz)...I missed seeing pubs like in Oz. I honestly think the are different...I still pity the dog though. I wouldn't leave my dog in a hot car either nor any humans. If they can't go with me shopping or going to a restaurant, they do not go with me. I take my dog inside a store that doesn't say that animals are not allowed. Or they stay home instead and wait for them to be taken to our airport for their go arounds.
By the way, look here about how hot your can be in summer...
It may help non-antipodean members to know that XXXX sign outside the building is a local brew and identifies it as being a pub, not an extra-hardcore naughty place. Beer drinkers in other sates will tell you the brew is so-named because Queenslanders can't spell B-E-E-R, but nonetheless it's not a bad drop.
My favourite ad of all time : -- I Can Hear a XXXX Coming On...
My other favourite ad -- There Is Nothing Like A Crown..
Nice shot, Richard. I was going to say those old outback pubs have a charm all their own, but maybe this one is not in the outback?