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I've seen many an Egret or Heron standing on their backs and as many turtles sunning right in front of them with no harm. They are, however, predators and as such will do what predators do when a food source of opportunity presents itself. It is the circle of life in the wild. Disney should have posted signs to that effect and in not doing so, will pay a substantial amount of money to that family for their negligence. The alligator did nothing wrong in the eyes of nature.
Every day in our National Parks and in the wild people learn the errors of their ways by encroaching in the Animal Kingdom's land and getting too close (purposely or accidentally), leaving food in plain sight, taunting, doing selfies, etc., and they sometimes pay with their lives, sometimes they just carry horrific scars as reminders of their encounter. Forrest Gump was dead on with, Stupid is a Stupid Does. The sad part of it the animal also pays with its life if it can be found. Be careful out there. Don't tempt fate, don't feed the wildlife and Keep a safe and prudent distance. It's their world and you are the intruder.