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Thread: Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

  1. #1

    Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

    Can anyone provide me with feedback about this lens.....I know I was excited about it a couple of years ago when I put one on my camera in the store.
    There is a used one for sale for $1300.00. I contacted the poster - they are not the original owner, they got it from a family member about 5 years ago. I don't know if the price is fair or not and I normally purchase lens' new.

  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

    Good lens, and the price seems OK (I recently sold a 5 year old EF70-200 F2.8L IS USM for around USD1600 recently).

  3. #3
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

    $1,300 is a fair price.I've seen them go used from $1,100 up to $1,500.I shoot with one and really like the versatility of the fl range and the push-pull zoom.At 5.6 on the 400 end you'll need plenty of light or you'll be shooting in the 800 ISO range or higher to get the shutter speeds you'll need. The IS is a plus,I have shot as low as 1/30" handheld(not the steadiest hands here) and got very good results.If you haven't shot long fl lenses before,there's a slight learning curve for technique.
    I say,go for it,you won't be dissapointed

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

    In order to determine the going price for this lens go to eBay. You can do this for any item and it is a good way to determine prices whether you are selling or buying an item.



    Note: You need to be an eBay member to use ADVANCED SEARCH but joining is fee.

    Enter item description, in this case I used 100-400mm

    Scroll down to SEARCH INCLUDING and check the COMPLETED ITEMS box

    Select SEARCH

    This will show you the completed items over a period of time. In this case we have two pages of items whose auctions have completed since August 14th.

    The selection will include both new and used items, check the CONDITION> USED box to the left and you will eliminate the NEW items in which you are not interested…

    The results appear to show that your $1,300 price is not out of line but, is hovering around the top price. Prices seem to range from about $1,xxx to $1,3xx. It also appears to no lenses of this type with prices of $1,4xx or so had bids offered.

    I have found the 100-400mm lens to be an excellent long lens, especially for wildlife. I personally am not keen on the push-pull zoom but, that is just a personal choice. However, I don't think you could get a more versatile Canon lens for general long telephoto work. I have no experience with the long Sigma glass.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 29th August 2010 at 02:59 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Canon ef 100-400mm/4.5-5.6l is

    Thanks ever so much for all of your help. I shall check out ebay - that is something I didn't think about.

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