On a forum far, far away, someone posted this:
The EXIF showed it as shot at f/14 with the implicit intention of maximizing the DOF. I asked what influenced the choice of f/14 and the poster confirmed that max DOF was indeed a factor and he also mentioned that it was focused at the hyperfocal distance, further implying that he wanted everything in-focus.
My woodland is less open than the above but there are a couple of driveways. I do find that, if I shoot similarly to the above, the image is a mess of in-focus detail and not terribly impressive. (curse that Foveon sharpness ).
So I'm wondering if woodland shots such as the above should be focused at less than the hyperfocal distance so as to apply a tiny but visible bit of blur to the background objects, thereby applying one of the several "impression of depth" factors.
With the original poster's camera, f/14 is getting close to giving significant diffraction compared to the standard CoC for it's sensor - almost equal as a matter of fact, with a blur circle about four times the pixel size. (lets not get into a discussion about CoC though).
So I'm also wondering if woodland shots such as the above should be made at a lower f-number to get sharper details at the plane of focus.
I would be interested any comments and examples that Members may have to offer.