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Thread: Problems with colour management

  1. #1

    Problems with colour management

    I have problems when I export a Lightroom image to my desktop saved in JPEG and with sRGB colour space. The JPEG image colour changes to a redder appearance, refer to the attachment.

    I have the same problem converting a Photoshop image (from Adobe RGB) to a sRGB file.

    The image colour in both Lightroom and Photoshop prior to export is the same and true.

    I have a NEC screen that is regularly calibrated, operating with Windows 10 and using an explorer browser.

    I would appreciate if anyone can assist.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2

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    Re: Problems with colour management

    I export a Lightroom image to my desktop
    If you're using Windows 10 OS, there are numerous complaints about this very cure found.

  3. #3
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Switch over to ProPhoto work space and see if that doesn't cure the issue.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Hi Richard,

    Warm welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    Are you sure you are converting the colour space when saving, not just 'tagging' it sRGB?

    I'm no expert, but this is something that can catch people out.

    I would also suggest using* FireFox browser, IE has a bad history of handling colour profiles properly and I'm not sure they have fully fixed it even now. (and I haven't tested mine since I recently upgraded to W10)

    * even if it is only temporary to help diagnose the problem.



    Could you do us a favour please?
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    If you're using Windows 10 OS, there are numerous complaints about this very cure found.
    I don't have Win 10, but recent versions, e.g. Win 7, do a have a Control Panel item for setting up Color Management. However this comment is a long shot based on a recent purchase of a new Win 7 Dell which exhibits no such problems. But still could be worth a look.


    Problems with colour management

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 6th August 2016 at 02:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    If you're using Windows 10 OS, there are numerous complaints about this very cure found.
    As a Windows 10 user, I find that this comment is inaccurate and does not match my experience.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Richie - screen shots seem to use a reduced colour space and do not come out as well as properly save and viewed image . The Windows Photo viewing software is horrible and does strange things to your images, so that might be the issue as well.

    Firefox seems to be the only browser that does colour management well.

    I would only trust the images viewed with viewing software I trust to handle images properly.

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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Richie - screen shots seem to use a reduced colour space and do not come out as well as properly save and viewed image . The Windows Photo viewing software is horrible and does strange things to your images, so that might be the issue as well.

    And posted as a PDF to boot! But it did at least show the difference in color rendition.

    Firefox seems to be the only browser that does colour management well.

    I would only trust the images viewed with viewing software I trust to handle images properly.

  9. #9
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by Richieroo View Post
    I have problems when I export a Lightroom image to my desktop saved in JPEG and with sRGB colour space. The JPEG image colour changes to a redder appearance, refer to the attachment.

    I have the same problem converting a Photoshop image (from Adobe RGB) to a sRGB file.

    The image colour in both Lightroom and Photoshop prior to export is the same and true.

    I have a NEC screen that is regularly calibrated, operating with Windows 10 and using an explorer browser.

    I would appreciate if anyone can assist.
    It's not clear to me how you are viewing the jpeg. Are you using Lightroom or PS? If not I'd suggest you try this to help narrow down the problem. Ie is it a colour management problem with the viewing software or is there something going wrong with the jpeg conversion.

    Last edited by dje; 6th August 2016 at 07:12 PM.

  10. #10
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    f you're using Windows 10 OS, there are numerous complaints about this very cure found.
    I can't agree with this. I run a Win 10 system, (and previously 8 and 7), and am not aware of sRGB problems. I also use Firefox in preference to IE as a browser.

    What I do find is that images I convert and save for web tend to look slightly 'brighter' than in Bridge/PS, maybe more contrasty. I attribute this in part to the relative downsizing that occurs when converted for web. That said colour balance/tonal range is generally acceptable.

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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    It's not clear to me how you are viewing the jpeg. Are you using Lightroom or PS?
    No responses yet from the OP, so I'll butt in, Dave.

    It seemed to me that he or she did say that the images looked OK both in LR and in PS, but looked different when "exported" to the desktop. So what we don't know is which app. fires up when he double-clicks on a JPEG, methinks?

  12. #12
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post

    So what we don't know is which app. fires up when he double-clicks on a JPEG, methinks?
    Yes Ted, that we don't know. If he looks at the jpeg in LR or PS that should establish whether or not there is a problem with the viewing software.


  13. #13
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    The op says he regularly calibrates the screen, but does not say how. If he is using the inbuilt Microsoft calibration tools it is (imo) very easy to introduce tints/colour casts of the type he observes, particularly if carried out in artificial lighting.

    Just a thought!

  14. #14
    MilosVukmirovic's Avatar
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    Re: Problems with colour management

    Quote Originally Posted by Richieroo View Post
    I have problems when I export a Lightroom image to my desktop saved in JPEG and with sRGB colour space. The JPEG image colour changes to a redder appearance, refer to the attachment.

    I have the same problem converting a Photoshop image (from Adobe RGB) to a sRGB file.

    The image colour in both Lightroom and Photoshop prior to export is the same and true.

    I have a NEC screen that is regularly calibrated, operating with Windows 10 and using an explorer browser.

    I would appreciate if anyone can assist.
    It is very unfortunate that you didn't so far uploaded a sample export from both LR and PS, and told us the exact model of your NEC monitor

    I'm going to be more general than I would like, but hopefully will help people with same or similar problem.

    Every Colo(u)r Management problem should be approached factually and deductively(there is no cutting corners if you want to do it right):

    1. Is the colo(u)r management(both the correct ICC profile and gamma correction LUT in GPU) active on your Windows? If yes, than we should continue

    2. Is the software you use in your workflow "colo(u)r managed" ?
    -A quick way for people with normal(not wide) gamut, which is considered around(or less) 100% sRGB coverage is to have a Prophoto export from LR and viewed in your software, if the image is darker and much much more desaturated than LR view, your software/or mode in software is NOT colo(u)r managed.

    -If you have a wide gamut monitor(or want to use best way of checkin CM module of your software), you should download 2 pictures from: and open them in your software workflow.

    3. Is your file in correct color space of your choice, and is it tagged with correct corresponding ICC profile?
    LR is good in it's ease of use with doing both conversion and tagging(assigning) of ICC profile of chosen color space. In PS you need to pay attention yourself to these things.

    With these questions you should be able to find the source of many(if not all) problems in color management on your computer.

    Now based on my experience I am willing to bet that your problem involves:
    1. broken/non-existent color management in software you use to view your JPEGs (and in step 2. from above you can test this)
    2. Wide gamut monitor which has much more saturated pure primaries, and because of this it covers wider gamut of color, but doesn't work well when your computer has no manual(which is color management module in your software) to tell it how to show something(in your case sRGB JPEGs) where pure primaries are intended to be much less saturated.

    And the solution is to change the software you use for viewing exports.

    I would love to hear if I was wrong or correct


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