Thanks Mike. Photoshop to the rescue on this one I will fix up the inconsistencies in the background, to be honest I noticed them after I posted.
Thanks Mike. Photoshop to the rescue on this one I will fix up the inconsistencies in the background, to be honest I noticed them after I posted.
Thanks Ole
This is a very brave and successful trial Rita and the second version really has an impact, congrats
I have to wonder Rita if ambient light is playing a role in your shot that is less than beneficial. The reason I say this is not only because of the dish showing through (telltale), but also because the splash itself is not as sharp as it could be with just a fast flash burst.
Will the trigger fire the camera? Some will. It may be possible to set the flash to be fired by the camera and the trigger to fire the camera avoiding the need for bulb. I’m not sure which trigger you are using, but dark studio, or triggered shutter release are the two options if you want a sharper, more crisp splash without the motion blur/ghosting and without some of the dish remnants in the shot.
The shape of the splash is very cool but there is a lot of “ghosting” in the yolk/white and pieces of shell. I have no doubt the shape of this splash is a product of the egg exploding in the dish. Very cool. Time consuming to remove in post. Maybe a suggestion would be to plan a shot that includes the dish, or maybe a small fry pan. Although, I’m sure a fan of the bare splash! And sure don’t be afraid to take the best of your splashes and composite!
As I’m sure you are aware, a lot of continuous would be needed to allow a shutter speed fast enough to stop the splash/debris and have it in sharp focus. This is high speed and a flash (with no ambient affect) is needed to be the most effective in most all cases. Certainly if you want it on black. So you are tracking with what you are doing.
Can’t say I’ve ever seen a 2.5 dozen egg quiche!
Thank you Binnur.
Terry, thank you so much for your assistance. The trigger I am using is the Trigger Trap. And yes, it will fire the camera or the flash. When I did this I fired the flash with it but I will sure try again using it as you suggest. I will post the result when I get it done. As I am new to this gadget I did my set up following a video on there site for capturing a bursting balloon. Figured it wasn't to different from a bursting egg
Maybe I will make a quiche with my new attempt