Now I didn't see the 'Pay it Forward' movie - but I think this fits the concept.
Colin does a good deed with his Portrait school, for 'random' folks here who cannot send him a nice bottle of red because a) he doesn't drink & b) we don't know his address.
So he is doing a favour it advance rather than 'paying it back'.......
So when one of the Teacher's here said her son's team had made the footy final on the weekend. I did a 'Colin' and spent a very pleasant morning out with my 200mm & 2x converter
So I thought I'd share some of the results with you guys.
We in the sports threads have been speaking recently about getting the ball in the frame, is it alwyas necessary is much easier outdoors & with this size ball too of course!
but what I tried to do as well, was shoot things like the score board every so often, the Coach & bench etc to try and make a series showing all facets of the event.
Cheers & may your team win!