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Thread: Enlarging an image in a old black and white photo taken off the web

  1. #1

    Enlarging an image in a old black and white photo taken off the web

    Hello, My dads sister posted a picture of what is supposed to be my mom and dad. I say it is my dad and my mom's sister he dated her frist, but no one will believe me. I can prove it if I can enlarge the arms of the woman next to my dad. LOL Because my mom had scars on her arms and never wore short sleeves. Every time I try to enlarge it and make it clearer it just makes it worst. And my mom didn't have chubby cheeks and my aunt did. So how can I enlarge it without making a mess of it. I am including the picture if anyone would like to look at it and give me some advice. Please & Thank You
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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Enlarging an image in a old black and white photo taken off the web

    Losing the red tint will be easy but there are limitations as to how much you can increase the overall size without losing some quality.

    Possibly try enlarging by 50 to 100% and using the BiCubic method if that is possible for you. Then some gentle use of Unsharp Mask. Maybe slightly darken the shadows.

    And, of course, only work on a copy not the original; so you can try again if your first attempt goes wrong.

  3. #3
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    On a Lake Outside of a Real Town
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    Re: Enlarging an image in a old black and white photo taken off the web

    If you can scan this at a much higher resolution you'll get much better results. There really isn't much that can be done at this size and res.

    Enlarging an image in a old black and white photo taken off the web

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