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Thread: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

  1. #1
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites


    I am looking to improve my personal website for my photos. As of now it is a just a place I "dump" my photos after post processing so they are ready for viewing on various forums (mainly CiC).

    In general, I would like to improve the overall design and to that end, I realize that first and foremost I need to establish some goals for the website (Design, function, etc). I do not intend to have a blog, sell photos, etc. Just a virtual presence and a bit about myself and photo journey.

    I would like to have some examples of what others feel is a "good" example of a personal photography website. Anyone have any examples or inputs they would like to share to help me develop a few ideas and formulate my goals.

    Any other thoughts and inputs are welcome


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Don't know whether it counts as a 'good example', but you're very welcome to browse what I have at This is a site hosted by SmugMug.

    If you find the thread 'Members - Point us to your website' you'll find dozens of links where members have listed their website.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 15th August 2016 at 07:32 PM. Reason: Link added

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    When I first set up my website, I didn't include any information about myself. CiC members recommended that I add information about why I do the photography that I do or anything along that line that allowed a personal, perhaps informative connection between viewers and photographer. Consider doing the same on the strength of their recommendations if you haven't already thought about it.

    A link to my website is automatically provided at the bottom of all of my posts. Many of us at CiC make that happen, so I encourage you to do the same.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 15th August 2016 at 01:39 PM.

  4. #4
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Unless you have the desire and the skills consider a commercial website that will give you most of the bells and whistles you need. Not cheap, but in my case it was the best option as I have only basic internet skills. I did have a relative, who makes commercial websites, design and host one for me one several years ago. Not a great experience and disengaging to use my current site was painful.

    The active site right now is the 500px (second link in my signature below) , I will eventually use Zenfolio as well.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Try searching some of the members websites.

  6. #6

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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post

    I am looking to improve my personal website for my photos. As of now it is a just a place I "dump" my photos after post processing so they are ready for viewing on various forums (mainly CiC).

    In general, I would like to improve the overall design and to that end, I realize that first and foremost I need to establish some goals for the website (Design, function, etc). I do not intend to have a blog, sell photos, etc. Just a virtual presence and a bit about myself and photo journey.

    I would like to have some examples of what others feel is a "good" example of a personal photography website. Anyone have any examples or inputs they would like to share to help me develop a few ideas and formulate my goals.

    Any other thoughts and inputs are welcome

    It sounds like you've already done a bit of webmastering. I've had my own site for many years, originally for watch collecting/repair/sales.

    At one point I was getting too technical with lots of JavaScript and even an XML page or two. All that got in the way (too complicated), so I re-did it all in HTML5 with next to no JavaScript. Keeping it simple like that helped a lot - so I would recommend simplicity as a goal.

    Here it is, nothing fancy . .
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 16th August 2016 at 02:26 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    I use Smugmug and it has grown over the years to host my travel diaries in addition to photographs.

    You can find it at

  8. #8
    Ndukes's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Erick, mine, for what it's worth, is at I designed it around one of Koken'n templates, see and is hosted by Blacknight Solutions (
    It works well as a means of publishing images with commentary and a small piece about myself and why I bother to do it at all. It is also easy to maintain. You need to be aware that the Internet is full of website images and hit rate may be disappointing. But I do get some feed back and had some images published in books as a result.
    Hope this helps.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    I use smugmug only for stashing my images for addition to various other sites. However, has a lot of customization available...

  10. #10

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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    IMHO...the esteemed photography site is...

  11. #11
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    All,about myself and photo journey.

    I would like to have some examples of what others feel is a "good" example of a personal photography website. Anyone have any examples or inputs they would like to share to help me develop a few ideas and formulate my goals.

    Hi Eric: For what it's worth, here's my web site using SmugMug:


  12. #12
    Tina222's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    I don't understand whether you started creating your website or not. In case you did, I guess, you need special plugins. But if you didn't, you just need to choose a proper way for your website creation. I recommend to take a look at these photography website builders. They can provide you with all necessary features, also it is really easy to work with them, especially if you don't have much experience and coding skills. Hope it helps!

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for good examples of Personal Photography Websites

    Quote Originally Posted by Tina222 View Post
    I don't understand whether you started creating your website or not. In case you did, I guess, you need special plugins. But if you didn't, you just need to choose a proper way for your website creation. I recommend to take a look at these photography website builders. They can provide you with all necessary features, also it is really easy to work with them, especially if you don't have much experience and coding skills. Hope it helps!
    Tina - If you look at the date of this thread was started, the question was posted over 2 years ago.

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