I love the editing on this one. You can still tell that it is a car but at the same time it is abstract. The headlight grabs my attention right away. Very cool!
Wonderful creativity you have showcased here John, well done.
Nice color indeed John and a cool shot![]()
What I don't like about it is the wheel to the left. It's already quite obviously a car's headlight and to further promote the idea of abstraction, I would look into doing a square crop toward the right side of the frame. But, that's just me :-)
I too would crop - but from the left and bottom so as to place the lamp-surround's center of area at the intersection of the harmonic means* - and so as to keep all the main rays in the frame.
* It is said that the use of harmonic means a.k.a Golden Ratio is more pleasing to the the eye, as I may have mentioned before and followed slavishly ever since.![]()
Last edited by xpatUSA; 18th August 2016 at 02:54 PM.
Thanks all for the comments.
Chris/Ted, I absolutely agree that the crop works but somehow, I quite like the original as well even though it doesn't conform. Thanks for your thoughts though.
WOW John, what a great use of PP. Love it.
Very creative. Beautiful colors. Definitely made me pause to study it which is a success in itself.