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Hi all, I am new here. I have been in photography for several years. I came upon this site because I am in NEED of HELP!!!! Quickly.
I am in my Senior Portrait season and getting ready to fly South to shoot a wedding in a month. I have been shooting with a Canon 7D for a few years and LOVED it. I recently purchased an upgrade- Canon 7D Mark ii. I am having issues with SOFT focus across the whole frame.
I at first was having this with just my new Mark ii- I actually thought it might be the lens (Canon 24X105) which I use on both cameras. NOW- I am ready to pull my hair out and scream, because I am getting soft focus on both cameras and all lenses. I have put them on a tripod and still issues. I am unsure of what setting I may have changed that could have done this, but I NEED HELP- ASAP.
I don't know what to do. I can fix some in post production (lightroom 5.7), but some are just way too gone. My other lenses are Canon 50mm, Canon 18X135, Canon 70X200, Sigma 17X50. Many pictures are okay if viewed 1:1 (100%), but 2:1 (200%) is aweful. I can't send work out like this.
I also have two new Altura Professional Series APC-958X Speedlite Flashes- Could they be the issue?? I have them on ETTL so they should work in sync with the camera or maybe I need to do something to sync them? They aren't working the best not giving enough fill light or way over exposed at times.
My photos previous to this were tack sharp all the way through the lenses- except- not sure about the Sigma as I just bought that when I thought my 24X105 was the issue. I don't know what to do, I can't do the many many shoots I have to do with not knowing if I am going to get anything worth saving- never mind the Wedding issue!!!
Someone PLEASE HELP!!!!