Re: One way to prevent a prevalent Stupid Mistake
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I suppose we've all had our share, and I've had plenty - but for me, this last Saturday was the first for THIS one.
After shooting all day at Ft Niagara - scenes of volunteers in a re-enactment of the War of 1812, complete with a very sharp Redcoat drill team, which is seen only rarely on this side of the river, then getting home to download - only to find that I'd forgotten to put a card in the d--- thing! What a bone-head! I'll not live this one down easily!
I have a bone to pick with Canon... There are two settings on a Canon DSLR regarding the memory card. You can either shoot to your hearts content without a card (and obviously record no imagery) or you can set the camera not to shoot (rather to give you a "no card" warning in the viewfinder). IMO, the default setting should be the latter but, Canon has its default at the former.
No problem if you read the instructions but many photographers go by the old saying "If all else fails, read the instructions:D"