Nice sharp image - a bit of fill-in flash?
Looks like a specie of Spider Ant.
Same probably goes for its prey, nicely snapped.
That is a great shot Brian.
Cheers Ole
Brian, great photo.
Very nice image, Brian. I count 8 legs, and all are located posterior to the spider's mouth. The most apical set of legs is too far "back" to be the spider's mouth parts. I can see what I think is a portion of its mouth parts on the right side...but it might be a portion of its victim. Based on it having 8 legs, I'd ID it as a type of spider.
I wonder if that is one of the Jumping Spiders (Salticidae) Brian. We get similar shaped creatures in the Myrmarachne family and a few others occur in Europe.
Great shot! What should be the victim?