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Thread: What the heck is happening?????

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    What the heck is happening?????

    I have been using this copy of CS6 for several years and on my old computer, this copy had no problem opening RAW files shot with my 7DII. I have had that camera for six or more months and have opened several thousand RAW images that I shot with it - no problem!.

    When I transferred this copy to my new computer, I get a message that my copy of CS6 cannot open this file.

    I guess that I will need to download a newer version of Adobe Camera RAW...

  2. #2

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    Re: What the heck is happening?????

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I have been using this copy of CS6 for several years and on my old computer, this copy had no problem opening RAW files shot with my 7DII. I have had that camera for six or more months and have opened several thousand RAW images that I shot with it - no problem!.

    When I transferred this copy to my new computer, I get a message that my copy of CS6 cannot open this file.

    I guess that I will need to download a newer version of Adobe Camera RAW...
    Is that possible to transfer a program from one to another pc? You probably installed it from scratch. In that case you miss all the updates you had on the first pc.


  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: What the heck is happening?????

    Hi Richard,

    I think George is on the right track (albeit I don't know how you "transferred" your copy).

    e.g. if you installed from the original disks (or even a download from Adobe), it stands to reason that, even if you de/reactivated the two copies on your computers via their website, the actual software just installed on the new PC may not contain all the ACR updates released since then. So unless you specifically updated it, this is understandable.

    That's just my guess, given the limited information regarding the "transfer" method employed that you have provided.

    I expect (hope) you'll be able to resolve it.

    I'd start by running it and doing the Check for Updates process,
    I just found this in my CS6 (or Bridge) under Help > Updates in the menu.

    You can find what version ACR you have by clicking Edit > Camera RAW Preferences
    (then it is in the pop up window title bar). I have

    It looks like, because I already have PS CC installed, this may have given me more features, even in my "CS6 Extended", at least there's mention of this in the Adobe Application Manager which appears when I check for updates.

    Good luck, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 2nd September 2016 at 08:16 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: What the heck is happening?????

    I had a similar problem with CS5, Richard, when I first tried to download from my 7D Mk II.

    Worked OK if I first converted the files to DNG though. Tried an ACR update but that turned my CS5 into a trial copy and I couldn't find any way out.

    Eventually, and rather reluctantly, I did go to CC as the only option.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: What the heck is happening?????

    I probably did install m CS6 program minus any updates. It was no problem to update the ACR to version 9.1.1 which is, apparently, the latest version that can be used with CS6... I normally HATE to upgrade any Adobe product because I have had some awful experiences doing that over the years. In this case, however, everything worked out well.

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