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Thread: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

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    wilgk's Avatar
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    What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Well the time is almost here.
    Kay & her Fashionista daughter are about to hit the Big Apple.
    I am grateful if anyone has time to reply with thoughts as to what to pack & what to leave out!

    Whilst this trip is not strictly solely for the purpose of photography, I would like to come away with some nice images.
    I must add, my skill set is not overflowing in the landscape or street photography genres, so my results with any gear will still be army level of expertise.
    Plus I struggle a bit with weight of gear after shoulder surgery.

    What I know I will take is a compact camera with manual controls and a viewfinder.
    I won't be that person with the humongous camera at events/places where it's inviting possible theft or just too heavy to have around all day.

    The choices are which DSLR body & lenses to add, remembering I need to be able to lift my carry on bag into overhead locker.
    If I fill it to 7kg limit, I can't lift that over my head.

    7DI or 5DIII body?
    If I were to drop one or have 1 stolen, we know which one we would rather.
    I do have a Tamron 18-270 lens which fits the 7D turning it into a fairly good 1 lens travel light style set up.
    That lens won't fit the 5D

    Higher quality lenses I have that are options
    16-35 2.8
    85 1.8
    50 1.4
    100 macro

    What I don't have is a 24-105 f4 which if I did, would be the perfect 'travel' partner for the 5D

    Sigma fisheye (only fits 7D & would be fun for quirky, possibly)

    70-200 & 24-70 2.8 are both too heavy for me without a monopod.
    So they're out.
    To help with the weight problem, I plan on removing the battery grip from either, as will most likely be using in 'landscape' mode so the added controls on the grip won't be as necessary (as they are for me doing portraits with my shoulder issues)

    I am booked in a couple of photography 'walking safaris' while Fashionista is shopping, so I'm taking a small lightweight tripod.

    I have no ND or Graduated filters, which maybe I might buy either when there or beforehand.

    Thank you for any replies.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Unfortunately the answer is "take it all", but for simple travel needs:

    I'd take two cameras, the 18-270mm and a fast lens and tripod for night shooting; middle of the day shooting (high contrast scenes), wouldn't hurt to take along a filter (ND or cpl). The fisheye would be fun but you might get just as interesting shots with the wide angle of the 18-270mm or the 16-35mm.

  3. #3

    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Rather than carry the weight of your gear on your injured shoulder have you considered a camera bag or pouch with a waist belt? It puts all the weight on you pelvis, relieving any pressure on your shoulders and reducing general fatigue. Both Lowe Pro and Think Tank make excellent units in this area and I have used both.

  4. #4
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Quote Originally Posted by wilgk View Post

    Higher quality lenses I have that are options
    16-35 2.8
    85 1.8
    50 1.4
    100 macro
    I am a big believer in traveling light. Of the lenses you mentioned I would take the 50 1.4 and the 16-35 2.8.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    I am a firm believer in having a long focal length lens along on any trip. If the quality of the 18-270 lens suits you, that would be perfect. I like a long lens because I like to shoot people and a long lens allows me to shoot without having them aware of my camera and thus being able to shoot them without changing their demeanor. Like to use fill flash for close-up shots, so carrying the Speedlight would be a big plus for me. I have a 420EX Speedlight which I often carry when I travel because it is the smallest and lightest full size Speedlight Canon has ever produced. I like mine so much that I purchased a used second 420EX for less than $40 USD. The 420EX cannot be used as a Master but it does have slave capability which can be tripped by the built-in flash of the 7D.

    The 16-35mm f/2.8 lens would be nice for night shooing.

    My personal kit for travel is a pair of 7D cameras with a 17-55mm f/2.8 IS and a 70-200mm f/4L IS lens with a 420EX and a 270EX II. The 17-55mm lens is fairly heavy but the 70-200mm f/4L IS lens is pretty light weight. I now have a 7D Mark II and love this camera. However, I have not traveled anywhere since I purchased it.

    I have been carrying two cameras for years now. I once fell on a slippery Alaskan slope and broke one camera. My second camera saved the trip for me.

    By the way... New York City is the center of the U.S. Camera Trade. Stores like B&H have wonderful prices... Many of the photo stores are run by Orthodox Jews and are closed from Friday night to Saturday evening or Sunday morning...

    NYC is a lot safer than it was twenty or thirty years ago but, I would be careful shooting in lonely areas at night, especially alone. I would not display my camera gear at night on the subway. A great carry case which will discourage thieves is an insulated lunch bag. It protects your gear because it is padded and usually a thief won't snatch a bag which might contain an apple and a sandwich...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 3rd September 2016 at 03:27 AM.

  6. #6
    CP140's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    No gear comments from me... but be sure to visit B&H and to walk "The Highline"... some of shots from my trip to NY a few years ago are here...

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    When on holidays I travel with a 5D Series (usually the original); 24 to 105/4L IS; 35/1.4 and a Fuji x100s. I mention these facts because I bought the 24 to 105/4L as a gift to myself (first lens that I have ever I bought for "me") just as my 'travel lens' it has served me very well and I think as a value for money take everywhere lens Canon made a great win with this lens as a 'kit lens' for any 5D series (or 6D): so if you ever get asked what you want for Christmas . . . that's my vote.


    With your gear, considering comments about weight and shoulder: I would take your 7D and the Tamron 18 to 270.

    What you are going to get with that are
    > an incredible FoV compass
    > light weight
    > flexible one camera solution

    What you won't get with that are:
    > delicate and very shallow DoF
    > extended High End ISO capacity
    > extended Lens Speed for easier motion stopping and/or nighttime shots

    I reckon that the list of disadvantages are not the end of the world: provided that you do not underexpose you can push the 7D to ISO3200 and get good results - I push my 5D (original) to ISO3200 - "H" regularly and the quality of our Holiday Images are more than adequate when viewed on the image display scenes that we have in our home.

    For the little added weight consider taking the 50/1.4. That is not my ideal "fast" lens for an APS-C Camera when traveling (too long, I like around 24mm) - but it is very fast (aperture) and when used on an APS-C you are using the guts of the optics, even if you use it at F/1.4~2.2


    I do have a Tamron 18-270 lens . . . That lens won't fit the 5D.

    Just by the way - the Tamron 18 to 270 is an "EF" Mount Lens and as such it does 'fit' ALL Canon EOS camera bodies. (Unlike Canon "EF-S" Mount Lenses which do NOT fit all EOS camera bodies, but only those with an EF-S mount).

    This point is pedantic but also has a practical implication, because if you are ever stuck in a situation having only the Tamron and the 5DMkIII the pair will mount and will work, but you will get an optical vignette perhaps throughout the whole Zoom Compass, but definitely at the wider focal lengths of the lens.


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    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Lots of advice and suggestions above, Kay, so I'll restrict myself to hoping that you have a great time, whenever it is you're going. As Martin says, go to B & H. That would be my #1 stop if I am ever again in New York city. I'd just want to go and wallow in it.

    I have to say that if I was going to NYC I'd be very tempted to go with only the Panasonic Lumix LMC D100 and leave the DSLRs at home.
    Last edited by Donald; 3rd September 2016 at 07:12 PM.

  9. #9
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    I went there with "only" a 16-35 mm F/4 and a 24-120 mm f/4 which were sufficient and enough lightweight with my Nikon D 800 E. I had been discouraged by the promoter of the trip to take with me my 70-200 mm f/2.8. A friend of mine who was carrying one, never used it.
    Of course take with you a tripod for night pictures.
    Now I have a Fuji X-T1 + 10-24 mm + 16-55 , sure if I have a new trip to NYC I'll take it with me to reduce the weight, with more flexibility (even + 55 - 200 mm, due to his light weight)
    Last edited by bje07; 3rd September 2016 at 08:21 PM.

  10. #10
    CP140's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Lots of advice and suggestions above, Kay, so I'll restrict myself to hoping that you have a great time, whenever it is you're going. As Martin says, go to B & H. That would be my #1 stop if I am ever again in New York city. I'd just want to go and wallow in it.

    I have to say that if I was going to NYC I'd be very tempted to go with only the Panasonic Lumix LMC D100 and leave the DSLRs at home.
    Yeah I'd like to wander around B&H unsupervised... but I'd best surrender my credit card before I do or there would be HE(( to pay upon returning home.

  11. #11
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Thanks everyone for the very helpful suggestions.
    I have since checked my travel insurance policy, which perhaps should have been the first step!
    Upon researching the details on that & how 'old' items need to be before they are covered, vs if I had to name them specifically etc etc.

    Bill, your notes on what I gain or miss when using the different systems is great.
    Trev that is a great thought, I do have a Lower waist bag & it has wee straps underneath for a tripod, plus an all weather cover built in, so that will get a spot!
    And what a good idea to do some shopping in B&H while I'm there, with a 24-105L as my possible purchase (exchange rate please be kind!)
    I think on balance it's not a photography as sole purpose trip & I will most likely make a coffee table book of favourite images, but not enlarge any bigger than A4 size.
    That end use of the image, is probably also a good place to start & work back.

    I think I am leaning to the 7D with Tamron 18-270, plus the 50/1.4 plus little manual camera...
    Thanks again everyone.

  12. #12
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Final postscript...
    "The best the one you have with you"

  13. #13
    CP140's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Enjoy your trip. NY is an amazing city...

  14. #14
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Thanks Martin!

  15. #15
    GrahamS's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    I replaced my Canon 7D kit with a Fujifilm XT-10 for travel. I have never looked back. Whatever you take, have a great trip.

  16. #16
    SamRothstein's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    I love NYC, but have never been with more than a point n shoot. Now that I have a "real" camera with lens options, I'd be looking for wide and fast, and convenient. The 18-270 (as long as the quality is good for you - I love my 18-200 sigma) and the 16-35 are what I'd take. The 18-270 will work great for all around stuff, and the 16-35 for low light. Keep in mind that you can find yourself in a shadowy area very often due to the tall buildings.

    The 18-270 + 50 could be a winner too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #17
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Quote Originally Posted by SamRothstein View Post
    I love NYC . . . I'd be looking for wide and fast, and convenient.
    I agree on both points. Personally "wide" and "fast" suits my passion for capturing any thriving big city.

    Additionally, if it were I choosing from that particular Camera and Lens Cache, I would take the 5DMkIII, with Battery Grip; the EF 16 to 35 F/2.8 (especially if it is the MkII version) and the EF 85 F/1.8 – and I would be as happy as a clam walking around NYC for weeks with the 5DMkIII and 16 to 35/2.8 slung across my chest and probably not using the 85/1.8 much at all, which would be stuck in my pocket. I wouldn’t take any tripods; filters; speedlites or other “stuff”, apart from the P&S camera as mentioned in the OP.

    But the OP mentioned or implied: weight: lack of street shooting experience; convenience of one lens; unsureness of needing telephoto lens; concern of theft or damage (“5DMkIII + Big Fat Red-striped Lens = Steal me”) so what I would use I don’t think would be suitable/useful for Kay.


    However I disagree here on one point. Let me explain -

    Quote Originally Posted by SamRothstein View Post
    . . . The 18-270 (as long as the quality is good for you - I love my 18-200 sigma) and the 16-35 are what I'd take. The 18-270 will work great for all around stuff, and the 16-35 for low light. Keep in mind that you can find yourself in a shadowy area very often due to the tall buildings. The 18-270 + 50 could be a winner too. . . .

    Comparisons and Contrasts of the lens cache available and an explanation of why in Post #7 ONLY the 50/1.4 was recommended as a secondary and “fast” lens:

    If an additional faster aperture lens is being considered for use in low light situations, then it's important to directly compare and contrast the functionality and uses of that additional lens, to the functionality and uses of the main working lens.

    Let’s assume that we do accept the quality of the Tamron 18 to 270 and it is to be taken on the holiday as the main working lens.

    Now let's compare and contrast the value of our choice of an additional “fast” lens - the two lenses which we can choose between are: EF 16 to 35 F/2.8L and EF50 F/1.4 (possibly the EF85 F/1.8, but we'll exclude that for the moment, the rationale should be obvious, please read on).

    A salient point to note is - the Tamron 18 to 270 has a Maximum Aperture of F/3.5 from FL = 18mm to FL = 30mm. Let’s agree that for the purposes of C&C with the EF 16 to 35/2.8 that the difference between FL = 30mm and FL = 35mm is insignificant.

    Accordingly the gain in Aperture Speed if we choose to take the EF 16 to 35 F/2.8L is a mere ⅔Stop, which arguably could be accommodated in almost all situations with a slight increase in ISO.

    On the other hand, (although a short telephoto lens when used on the 7D ) the EF 50 F/1.4 sports a maximum aperture which is a significant 2⅔Stops faster than the Tamron 18 to 270 when it is set at FL = 18~30mm and a whopping 3⅓Stops faster than the Tamron 18 to 270 when that lens is set at FL = 50mm.


  18. #18
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I agree on both points. Personally "wide" and "fast" suits my passion for capturing any thriving big city.

    Additionally, if it were I choosing from that particular Camera and Lens Cache, I would take the 5DMkIII, with Battery Grip; the EF 16 to 35 F/2.8 (especially if it is the MkII version) and the EF 85 F/1.8 – and I would be as happy as a clam walking around NYC for weeks with the 5DMkIII and 16 to 35/2.8 slung across my chest and probably not using the 85/1.8 much at all, which would be stuck in my pocket. I wouldn’t take any tripods; filters; speedlites or other “stuff”, apart from the P&S camera as mentioned in the OP.

    But the OP mentioned or implied: weight: lack of street shooting experience; convenience of one lens; unsureness of needing telephoto lens; concern of theft or damage (“5DMkIII + Big Fat Red-striped Lens = Steal me”) so what I would use I don’t think would be suitable/useful for Kay.


    However I disagree here on one point. Let me explain -

    Comparisons and Contrasts of the lens cache available and an explanation of why in Post #7 ONLY the 50/1.4 was recommended as a secondary and “fast” lens:

    If an additional faster aperture lens is being considered for use in low light situations, then it's important to directly compare and contrast the functionality and uses of that additional lens, to the functionality and uses of the main working lens.

    Let’s assume that we do accept the quality of the Tamron 18 to 270 and it is to be taken on the holiday as the main working lens.

    Now let's compare and contrast the value of our choice of an additional “fast” lens - the two lenses which we can choose between are: EF 16 to 35 F/2.8L and EF50 F/1.4 (possibly the EF85 F/1.8, but we'll exclude that for the moment, the rationale should be obvious, please read on).

    A salient point to note is - the Tamron 18 to 270 has a Maximum Aperture of F/3.5 from FL = 18mm to FL = 30mm. Let’s agree that for the purposes of C&C with the EF 16 to 35/2.8 that the difference between FL = 30mm and FL = 35mm is insignificant.

    Accordingly the gain in Aperture Speed if we choose to take the EF 16 to 35 F/2.8L is a mere ⅔Stop, which arguably could be accommodated in almost all situations with a slight increase in ISO.

    On the other hand, (although a short telephoto lens when used on the 7D ) the EF 50 F/1.4 sports a maximum aperture which is a significant 2⅔Stops faster than the Tamron 18 to 270 when it is set at FL = 18~30mm and a whopping 3⅓Stops faster than the Tamron 18 to 270 when that lens is set at FL = 50mm.

    Most valid (and more detailed than I would have been able to offer) points. My original thought of the 18-270 + 16-35 was all about the wide angle, but also assuming the OP would be using a tripod for *very* low light shots.

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    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamS View Post
    I replaced my Canon 7D kit with a Fujifilm XT-10 for travel. I have never looked back. Whatever you take, have a great trip.
    Thanks Graham!

  20. #20
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: What gear to take to NYC (Canon)

    Thanks Sam & Bill, for added advice & explanation, I've been away on the Trip Advisor forum working on Itinerary planning.
    As someone once said.. If you want to take better pictures, stand in front of more interesting stuff'

    So I'm researching spots to stand in front of & things to do, but so glad I stopped back here & found the new replies.
    Cheers Chaps.

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