WOWsome indeed!!! thrilling![]()
nice picture but I would not have wanted to take the mother looks worried....and ready to attack, or only astonished?
Nicely done.
Great shot Dan
Great shot. I will be at my daughter's later this week and hopefully will see some bears, at a distance, of course. If I can get a picture like that with my lenses then I am too close. Nicely done.
Last edited by LePetomane; 12th September 2016 at 09:13 PM.
Thanks for the comments, folks. Glad you enjoyed the photo.
Ah the secrets of still photography and a long lensThe photographer has the advantage of only capturing/displaying the part of the scene that tells the desired story. The rest is left to the imagination of the viewer. For example we could go on letting Jean believe that my life was in mortal danger when this photo was captured. That indeed the mother was angry and ready to charge at any moment. Or better, she had already attempted an attack and was already repulsed by the intrepid photographer with nothing to defend himself but a carbon fiber tripod and testosterone...
Or we could confess that the mother and cubs had previously been feeding quite close to us and that she wasn't at all bothered by our presence. And the source of her discomfort in the image in the OP was another bear approaching out of frame. This is the same momma bear that I described in this thread a while back.
Great timely shot Dan. Well done.
Very nice image Dan![]()
Thanks, Carol and Binnur. It's fun to go back through the files after some time has passed and find a few shots that, for whatever reason, didn't catch my attention before.
At least it's not a case of the intrepid photographer, being so engrossed with getting the triplet shot that he fails to see the intruding bear causing the alarm and is summarily attacked from behind!
Love the wildlife shots Dan. Keep 'em coming.