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Thread: Dying boat

  1. #1

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    Dying boat

    With a totally different style compared to my previous threads tonight just a simple picture made in a "boat cimetery" of Noirmoutier island in France.

    Good review


    Dying boat

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Dying boat

    Hi Thierry,

    Yes that's different

    I think you have the right hull to camera angle, except:
    a) I'd shoot from a little lower to get a better skyline of the prow - i.e. more distinct from the bank in the background, and
    b) I'd take a small step left and shoot to separate the dark timber from the hull of your boat or I suppose it could be cloned out in PP.

    Hope that's useful,

  3. #3

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    Re: Dying boat

    Hi dave,

    of course, I appreciate your comments and that's helpful. I am a little bit away from my usual field of photography.

    Concerning the a) item I fully share your comment unfortunately I was on a vry sticky and wet soil (sorry I don't know the word in english) and it was hazardous for me and the dslr to move down to shoot.

    I am not sure but You would like to have me removing (cloaning out) the black piece of wood on the left of the wood ?


  4. #4

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    Re: Dying boat

    Hi Dave,

    I suspect that your suggestion is someting like this ?

    Dying boat

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Dying boat

    Quote Originally Posted by tb72 View Post
    Hi dave,

    of course, I appreciate your comments and that's helpful. I am a little bit away from my usual field of photography.

    Concerning the a) item I fully share your comment unfortunately I was on a vry sticky and wet soil (sorry I don't know the word in english) and it was hazardous for me and the dslr to move down to shoot.

    I am not sure but You would like to have me removing (cloaning out) the black piece of wood on the left of the wood ?

    Yes, I think I would clone out the wood (isn't the English language great? )

    May be not all of it though - start with just enough to put a bit of light sand between the boat hull and the timber, see what it looks like, and only remove it completely if the review shows it necessary.

    EDIT: that was quick

    Yes, I think it adds to the gaveyard/cemetery feel of the image.


  6. #6
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Dying boat

    Quote Originally Posted by tb72 View Post
    With a totally different style compared to my previous threads tonight just a simple picture made in a "boat cimetery" of Noirmoutier island in France.

    Good review


    Dying boat
    I like this one Thierry and agree with Dave's comments.

  7. #7

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    Re: Dying boat

    Thanks for your review

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Dying boat

    No, Thierry, don't completely remove that piece of 'dark wood' which is another skeleton in the Boat's Graveyard. It looks fine in your second photo, and helps to add some balance to the scene.

    You have photographed the boat from a perfect angle. That is the angle which a boatbuilder would have taken; it shows the lines of the boat perfectly.

    That looks like a typical French fishing boat. Plenty of beam (width) and very strong square ribs.

    I was a fisherman on the English South Coast for nearly 40 years but eventually sold everything and took early retirement last year. But I still remain part of the local fishermen community and like to photograph fishing boats and old style sailing boats.

    I am afraid that is happening everywhere now as fishermen are finding that their earnings are falling so low that it just isn't worth fighting against the bureaucrats any more.

  9. #9

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    Re: Dying boat

    Thanks geoff for your visit and interesting comment of the thread

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