Nicely captured.
Nice image JimI think there is a blue color cast on its front legs which needs fixing .
square format should be better, eliminating part of green leaves too flashy
Sharp focus and a potentially difficult exposure has worked perfectly. I'm not sure about a crop; for me, it is a case of leaving it as it is now or totally removing the leaves. Anything in between will just look untidy.
Jim, one lazy cat good shot.
Great pic of a cat that is putting up with you and your camera! Well done!
I like the way you've framed the shot with Cat leaning against the rock but you've included greenery as part of the pic. it complements Cat's eyes!
If you tried cropping the leaves out, you'd lose the way Cat's legs are folded. Yep, good pic the way it is!
Looks like I feel.Nice shot.
Hi JimBecause you deleted the original I can't make a proper comparison, but I think the color cast is less visible in the new image. And IMO Richard's edit improved the image very much.
I often worry about reediting someone else's image but, I would never mind someone working on an image of mine.
What I did with this image was to:
1. Crop a bit closer
2. Use the Photoshop CC burn tool at 50% to darken the edges creating a slight vignette
3. Place a NIK control point on the white ares beneath the cat's jaw and then desaturate and lighten that area
4. Place control points on the cat's eyes, brighten them a bit, increase saturation and increase contrast a bit
5. Globally use the NIK Viveza Structure Slider to increase overall structure.