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Thread: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    I an taking my camera (Canon 7DII with 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens) to the beach Sunday to shoot a dog surfing contest. Although I do a lot of my photography with that lens hand held because of the wonderful IS capability; I plan to use a monopod to support the camera/lens.

    I will cover the camera with an OPTECH Rainsleeve (secured with gaffers tape), along with a protection filter, just in case of salt spray. The weather forecast predicts a 10-12 MPH wind which will be blowing in from the ocean into my face.

    I plan to fabricate a waterproof boot for my monopod from some PVC pipe I have laying around. This is what the boot will be like. BTW: I have researched the Drypod boot and the cost is rather high.

    However, I plan to secure the boot to the monopod using gaffers tape, rather than the cord used in this illustration. If I can find a rubber crutch tip that will fit, I will cement one on rather than use the PVC end fitting...

    Does anyone have a better idea for protecting the leg of a monopod or the legs of a tripod from salt water/sand??? Before I saw this article in the Internet, I was thinking of using the inner-tube from a bicycle and cementing in end closed but. this seems easier, quicker and (since I already have the materials at hand) less expensive...

    Some folks say this is over-kill but, I'd rather not need to rinse off my monopod/tripod legs to get salt/sand off...

    When I was a Navy cinematographer, we used canvas booties that were custom made for each tripod. We painted them with a waterproof paint. It worked quite well but, I don't have access to anyone who could/would fabricate covers like that for me now...

    If my monopod was a Giottos, I would equip it with this...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 27th September 2016 at 05:44 PM.

  2. #2
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    I don't think I can be of any help but please post pictures. Dog surfing sounds like fun.
    Last edited by LePetomane; 28th September 2016 at 02:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    I just drop my tripod legs into the water and give them a thorough rinse when I get back home.

    I guess I spent too many years scuba diving and rinsing my equipment when I got home to worry about complicated sleeves or boots. It takes just a minute or two to disassemble, rinse and reassemble (not counting the drying time). Most of my tripods are carbon fiber so the salt and water won't hurt the material.

  4. #4

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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Richard, a little late for my suggestion but for future reference it you are going to continue.

    There are some great water resistant and waterproof materials on the market that will surpass the old painted canvas. The stuff we used regularly cracked and while it still did a good job it wasn't perfect. Even modern coatings need to be routinely applied and some can be a bit messy.

    Put together a quick drawing of you what you want and hit one of your local tent or awning companies. All of their stuff is usually custom made and they have access to suitable materials you won't find at the local sewing shop. I had done a bit of research when I was looking for a custom bag to carry my light stands and found these companies most helpful.

  5. #5

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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Are you sure salt water will harm your tripod legs? Manfred doesn't care.
    Using a peace of pipe which is closed on one side also means that water what got in the pipe can't flow away. It might work counter productive.


  6. #6
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Richard, don't forget that for what you make or buy you need to take into account whether you are likely to want to use the tri/mono pod at normal or minimum extension working heights.

    Here's a set of protectors I made up specifically to protect from seawater, sand, scratching from coral and rocks with the addition of spikes to assist grip on rock. Great until you want to get lower

    Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    These days the legs just go in the sand and seawater with a good hose down when I get home with the occasional strip down.

  7. #7
    Spam's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    I have an old varsity friend who has worked as a sound engineer on numerous TV shows, including Top Gear. His simple solution to almost anything involving water is condoms and gaffer tape.

  8. #8
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    My tripod seems to spend half its life in the sea, rarely gets washed and is still going strong - I wouldn't worry about one shoot.

  9. #9
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I an taking my camera (Canon 7DII with 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens) to the beach Sunday to shoot a dog surfing contest......
    No matter how hard I try, each time I come to this post I just cannot get past this - Dogs, then Dogs Surfing, then Dogs Surfing in a contest....I want to know how this is judged. I never really knew that dog surfing was a competitive sport....

    <Deep Breath> Seriously I would think if this is a one time event that as Manfred has indicated just a fresh water bath would be the best. Like him, that is what i have always done after scuba diving - granted that equipment is designed to be in water. But I would think just a single use - clean it afterwards and go on.

  10. #10
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    I bought a mono pod recently that's very unlikely to have a water problem. Main reason was wanting a light 2 section one that was easy to adjust height wise on the fly. It's a Paterson Trekker. I've fitted a Cullman "fluid" ball head on the top and height wise it all looks to be ok. I'm 6" 3" but I may have a problem point a lens up high past some point. I'm thinking about adding one of the articulated arms the tripods are sometimes fitted with.

    Just like the Benbo and Trecker tripods they reverse the telescopic arrangement of the tubes to the lower one is sealed so water can't get in. It weighs 500g, not much more than the head which is 300+ odd and I am surprised how stiff it is. Way better than several multi section ones I have owned and sold. It's likely to get used in wet grass and mud etc so can be rinsed off under the tap.

    They don't seem to be using a bent bolt any more for clamping. What ever it is it just needs a twitch either way to clamp or release. On the bent bolt types it wasn't wise to over tighten. May be the same here.

    Salt water ? Don't know but I suspect it would be fine. I do get on beaches and mud flats at times and wouldn't be concerned about using it.

    The head's not bad. It can be adjusted so that it's dead smooth over a range of tensions but the quick fit plate is rather fiddly to use, Safety features it might be best to remove.

    I suspect I will keep this one. The similar tripods have gone. Extremely flexible but a bit like trying to mount a camera on bagpipes. They are still very popular and can be really worth having but I've found that my Giottos is fine as it has a similar feature.

    There is another company that makes a similar benbo product but I can't remember the name


  11. #11
    benm's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Richard, it sounds like you want a "wet umbrella bag". Like this:

    Of course, you only need 3.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tripod/Monopod Bootie - Suggestions Requested

    Looking at the very crowded beach

    I am not sure whether I want to attend. Video clips I have seen earlier looked like the beach was far less crowded. Of course, the ones that I viewed were not held at the crammed in Del Mar Dog Beach.

    The number of people doesn't bother me as much as the lack of parking spaces. Traditionally, our beaches (especially beaches in our North County where this event will take place) have a dearth of parking spaces within walking distance of the water. I don't feel like walking a mile or more or arriving at "zero dark thirty" to grab a parking space.

    Researching a photo project is a very necessary evolution...

    I am going to fabricate a tripod bootie anyway just for fun...

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