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Thread: Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

  1. #1
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

    Nothing much to say here - just decided to jump in and order the BH-30 RRS Ballhead and L Bracket for my D7200. Wanted this to be a combo with my Sirui CF tripod.

    I will be honest that my Manfrotto 496RC2 works fine, it is a touch finicky at times but for the most parts works and has served me well.

    I do not doubt I will be happy with the new purchase. Was it needed - No, will it make better photographs - No. Is it cool and last a long time - Yes. End on a high note I guess.....

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

    I have no experience specifically with that ball head you mentioned but, I am confident that it will be well made and that you will be happy with it. I have never found any RRS product lacking in quality in any way.

    "Will it make better photographs" I'll modify the answer to "very likely for occasional shots" because an L-Bracket will allow the switch from landscape to portrait (horizontal to vertical) quicker and more easily which may put you into position to shoot when other photographers are struggling with cantilevering their cameras over to the side in order to get that important vertical shot! Of course this doesn't apply when the photographer is using a lens with a tripod ring...

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

    If your new gear makes your photographic experience more enjoyable and if you can justify the expense, no other reasoning is needed.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

    I have the RRS BH-55 ball head and can only say that from a quality standpoint, their equipment is quite good. I did not go for their L-plate as I find their price is a bit higher than it should be, and I went for a Kirk plate, which is very good as well for significantly less money.

    Being in Germany, I'm a bit surprised that you did not go for the Novoflex gear, which is higher quality than the RRS equipment. They are also Arca-Swiss compatible, but are extremely expensive on this side of the Atlantic.

  5. #5
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: Just ordered RRS Ballhead and L-Bracket

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I have the RRS BH-55 ball head and can only say that from a quality standpoint, their equipment is quite good. I did not go for their L-plate as I find their price is a bit higher than it should be, and I went for a Kirk plate, which is very good as well for significantly less money.

    Being in Germany, I'm a bit surprised that you did not go for the Novoflex gear, which is higher quality than the RRS equipment. They are also Arca-Swiss compatible, but are extremely expensive on this side of the Atlantic.
    Funny it was really not on my radar - most of the sites I frequent are English Speaking in the US (American Expat in Germany) and my German is passable, but generally I do not go indepth on the German Forums (other than to buy some used equipment from time to time). So I guess that is why it did not hit my radar as much as the RRS.

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