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Thread: Guess Who The Joke Is On

  1. #1
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Guess Who The Joke Is On

    Guess Who The Joke Is On

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Guess Who The Joke Is On

    Hi Chris,

    I'm not sure what I could say about this that would be helpful to you?

    Judging by the number of views (55) and lack of replies, I may not be alone.

    It is what it is; (I'd guess) a candid street scene, probably* shot 'from the hip', so discussion on the finer points of framing is likely to be unhelpful. Ditto; their relative positioning is irrelevant. We know you are competent enough not to need advice on many other aspects, as the good exposure and WB demonstrates. Conversely, I'm not sure it 'teaches' us much either, given the lack of information, although I suppose I could go in to all the things that (for me) make it less ideal than if the scene had been posed and photographed, but that won't help you, I'm sure (and would seem overly critical).

    I don't understand the scene depicted and the thread title doesn't help.
    It all seems amicable, but not emotionally charged enough to warrant a viewing response from me, not even trying to guess what's happening amongst a group of friends (mostly) sitting on a bench.

    Is it a good reflection of modern life where you shot it?
    I guess so (not that I know where that is).

    Forgive me, I seem to be in a funny mood, Dave

  3. #3
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Re: Guess Who The Joke Is On

    I don't know. It was shot off the hip. It seemed as if everyone was looking at him and he was having a "duh-uh" moment as if the brunt of some joke and just then got it. Some street shots work, some don't. I think the same goes for the father, daughter moment. It's okay that they don't work as the next ones, hopefully, will work better. I always look at every shot being a success if it teaches me something. Cheers.

  4. #4

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    Re: Guess Who The Joke Is On

    He does seem to be having a duh moment. We all react differently to street photography, but something made you want to take the shot and capture a moment in time that will never happen exactly that way again.


  5. #5

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    Re: Guess Who The Joke Is On

    Just a thought. The girl on the right is only half showing and there are over exposure patches on her face, so she could be excluded. A square crop to concentrate on the other three characters in the scene seems to then have more impact.

  6. #6
    ccphoto's Avatar
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    Re: Guess Who The Joke Is On

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Just a thought. The girl on the right is only half showing and there are over exposure patches on her face, so she could be excluded. A square crop to concentrate on the other three characters in the scene seems to then have more impact.
    I've thought about that as well, but realistically, the trashcan pretty much kills the shot anyway. It was just a fun moment, I guess.

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