Nicely done. Looks like your under water and looking up. Good affect.
Thank you Maurice
I have to google Brussels Atomium to understand what this shot is all about....this computer do not have google, unfortunately but I found out what it really look at, barely. I am sorry, Jean, but this shot doesn't work for me. Maybe, if I can suggest, you take a few shots that includes the environment, then your shot here will make more sense? I do not know how to put my thoughts together, if you know what I mean, as I am a visual person...Oh, btw, maybe my misunderstanding is that I have not been to Brussels at all, so I do not know, so since a pictures speaks a thousand more words, an environment shot will be helpful??? Just my take, please do not be offended, OK?
I really like the composition Jean,
I'm less keen on the sky treatment though.
This takes me back; I went inside that back in 196? (maybe 1970) on a school trip to Brussels.
It is shinier (now) than I remember, but I see it underwent extensive refurbishment in 2004-7.
Link for Izzie to Wikipedia.
Cheers, Dave
I have to agree with Dave in the sky taking away from rather than adding to especially when the reflections in the orbs don't translate the same color scheme and I think lose the effect you were wanting. Other that that, though, I like the composition and the point of view.
I just missed out going there as a schoolboy for the opening of the exhibition for which it was built. I've wanted to go ever since and not yet made it.
I actually quite like this although I do sort of agree that the sky dominates a little. I quite like the way the hole in the cloud base lines up with the gap in the overall structure.
Last edited by John 2; 13th October 2016 at 02:37 PM.
Thank you everybody for your comments.
I'm OK Dave.I'm less keen on the sky treatment though.
I choose a sky in the library of On1 Photo 10, as it seemed for me like space environment, but I'm wrong it's too "sophisticated" with clouds
I liked this very much
Thank you Nandakumar