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Thread: Copy Image Problems

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Copy Image Problems

    I copy an image by right clicking and then selecting the choice : "COPY IMAGE" from the drop down menu.

    Now comes the problem. When I want to post the image into Photoshop CC, I open the Photoshop and select "NEW" from the menu below

    Copy Image Problems

    That opens this menu:

    Copy Image Problems

    Pressing the OK Button on the above menu, I get a white blank image on the Photoshop workspace (not always the size of my copied image). Hitting CTRL-V to paste the image gives me a crazy cropped and badly reproduced image something like this.

    Copy Image Problems

    However, if when I get to this menu,

    Copy Image Problems

    I don't select NEW but, rather use the Keystroke CTRL-N and then when the following menu comes up

    Copy Image Problems

    If I don't hit the OK button but rather use the ENTER key on my keyboard, I will get a while blank image on the Photoshop Workspace but, this time it will be the size of my image without me doing any modifications to tthe size. Then hitting CTRL-V will paste in my image the same size and quality as the original.

    Copy Image Problems

    I muddled through this but, WHAT IS HAPPENING I am sure that it is operator error but it is difficult to understand and certainly not intuitive...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 13th October 2016 at 05:52 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Perhaps it would be easier to simply use Photoshop's "Open" button and then drill down to where the image file is on your computer so you can select it.

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Perhaps it would be easier to simply use Photoshop's "Open" button and then drill down to where the image file is on your computer so you can select it.
    Yep - or just drag the file over the PS icon and let go.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Perhaps it would be easier to simply use Photoshop's "Open" button and then drill down to where the image file is on your computer so you can select it.
    Mike, Robin,
    I think the issue is that it isn't on his computer (as a file), it is only on the 'clipboard'.

    I can see why you'd want to do this to save time and disk space Richard.

    I understand why the first workflow doesn't work, all you are doing is creating a new blank image document that will likely be whatever size your previous one was (or perhap there is some default buried in the preferences that sets the size). Since you started that process without reference (as far as PS is concerned) to the image, it cannot predict the size of document it needs.

    I'm slightly less clear on why the second method works, although it occurs to me that if you tried and failed, then follow with the same action again, the first attempt might have set the size correctly for the second attempt - if you see what I'm getting at. That said, the screenshot doesn't appear to show this. Can you use the second method on a different sized image and achieve success first time?

    I note the top (Document Type) drop down does say "Clipboard" (not 'Custom') when you do it 'correctly' by the second method. The question is, how did it know to change to that?

    I'm sure there's a way to do it, but anything involving keyboard shortcuts tends to be not so well documented, unless you know where to look (and I don't).

    No doubt I'll learn when someone who knows their stuff tells us soon.
    ... and when we do, I can start using it too, as currently I am saving odd image files in to a folder and right click opening them in PS (via ACR) from there.

    Cheers, Dave

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    you can also just drag a file into an open instance of photoshop. However, my suggestion, Robin's, and Mike's all assume you have the file saved, not just in the Windows clipboard. When I copy into the clipboard, I often paste into Irfanview if I want to save it.

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    I would simply open the original file in Photoshop and then do a "save as" with a different name straight away so you do not accidentally overwrite the original file.

    The best method will depend on what you want to do after editing.

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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    The copied photo is there. You just have to click on the Move Tool at the top of the tool bar and you'll see the corners pop up. They may be off the screen but you can Move it around to where you want it and then change the Canvas Size to fit it. Or Hold doen the Shift key and move a corner in until the copied image fits your canvas.

  8. #8
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    May be you should not hate Lightroom.......

  9. #9

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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I think the issue is that it isn't on his computer (as a file), it is only on the 'clipboard'.
    I didn't know it's possible to store a file in the clipboard when the file wasn't either on the computer or on a drive or a device recognized by the computer as a drive. If I'm right about that, he should be able to use the Open button as I explained unless that drive or device recognized as a drive is no longer connected to the computer.

  10. #10
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Richard it shouldn't make any difference whether you hit OK with the mouse or hit the Enter button. I think what is happening is this (something that I hadn't known before) :-

    If you set up a new image window in PS, it would normally come up in Custom mode as default. (Look at Document Type in your screen shots). However if you already have something on the clipboard when you open up the new image window, it seems to come up with Document Type set to clipboard. (see your third screen shot of the new image window). In this mode, it appears to automatically size the new image to match that in the clipboard.


  11. #11
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I didn't know it's possible to store a file in the clipboard when the file wasn't either on the computer or on a drive or a device recognized by the computer as a drive. If I'm right about that, he should be able to use the Open button as I explained unless that drive or device recognized as a drive is no longer connected to the computer.
    Until the latest version of macOS and iOS10 neither did I but now I can copy/paste between device.

  12. #12
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    I'm not quite understanding where the image is being copied from that it wouldn't be on the computer (Apple aside) to just open direct. Even if you are viewing it on the internet you can still drag it from the web page directly in PS...or any other compatible bit of software.

  13. #13
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    The problem was that "CUSTOM" was apparently selected rather than "CLIPBOARD". For some reason custom would not recognize the image that was on the clipboard.

    By the way, the reason I did not bring the image down to the Photoshop Logo was that there was no image. It was only on my clipboard.

  14. #14
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems


    For FireFox browser, there is an Add-on which allows a right click on any* web image and select "Open in Photoshop".
    * except those where right click menu is disabled by web site JavaScript code.

    I just installed it and it seems to work for an image here at CiC - it opened in Photoshop CC 2015.5 (and I have CC 2015 and CS6 still installed).

    Might be worth a try, Dave

    (if it proves reliable, I'll make a donation)

    I say that because a couple of other add-ons I have installed either don't work now (they used to), or they rarely work these days. (Histogram Viewer and Text to Speech for anyone interested)

    I just tried the suggestion of dragging an image to PS on my (Win 10) task bar - it didn't do anything
    I also tried dragging and dropping on to PS CC 2015.5 (on another screen) and it opened as a bmp, not as a jpg in ACR
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 13th October 2016 at 09:10 PM.

  15. #15
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    The problem was that "CUSTOM" was apparently selected rather than "CLIPBOARD". For some reason custom would not recognize the image that was on the clipboard.

    By the way, the reason I did not bring the image down to the Photoshop Logo was that there was no image. It was only on my clipboard.
    For the sake of this thread can you explain how you have an image in your clipboard that doesn't exist?

  16. #16
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Pearl View Post
    For the sake of this thread can you explain how you have an image in your clipboard that doesn't exist?
    Certainly it exists but, only on the clipboard. It is not saved anywhere and that is the problm... At least, THAT WAS THE PROBLEM until it was noticed that I needed to have the clipboard selected on this drop down menu.
    Copy Image Problems

  17. #17
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    For clarity and just because Im being a little slow - how did you get it to the clipboard?

  18. #18
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I didn't know it's possible to store a file in the clipboard when the file wasn't either on the computer or on a drive or a device recognized by the computer as a drive. If I'm right about that, he should be able to use the Open button as I explained unless that drive or device recognized as a drive is no longer connected to the computer.

    Richard wrote:

    I copy an image by right clicking and then selecting the choice : "COPY IMAGE" from the drop down menu.
    Many web sites, including this one, are set to enable copying in this manner. When you do this, the image is stored (as bitmap, I think) in the clipboard, but it still is not on a drive. If you paste into an application, can then save the result as a file.

    Another alternative for Windows users, if you come across something that doesn't have the context menu option for copying an image to the clipboard, is to use the Windows snipping tool to copy it. This isn't installed by default, but if you search for it in the search box, it will show you the application, and you can copy a shortcut to your desktop.

  19. #19
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    Yep... The Windows snipping tool works quite well. However, I had a wrestling match with the clipping tool recently. I had a time getting what I thought was the pen tool off the clipping tool.

    What finally did that and allowed me to start using the clipping tool to copy again was to select the arrow next to "NEW" on the clipping tool menu and then select "RECTANGULAR SNIPPING TOOL". I had by error, selected the "FREE FORM" copy tool

    I learned that when I selected the "FREE FORM CLIP" from the drop down menu next to the "NEW"; that it was not the red pen tool that was making the red line. Instead it was the free form outline. This was available for Win-7 but, I had never noticed it. I don't know if I will ever purposefully select the "FREE FORM" tool but, at least I won't be confused if I ever select it by error again...

    Copy Image Problems

    There are however some new facets with the Win-10 Clipping Tool, including the "DELAY MENU"...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 14th October 2016 at 04:35 AM.

  20. #20
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Image Problems

    I follow now thanks - it is a difference between Windows and Mac that I didn't realise was there. On a mac you can simply drag an image from the web (or pretty much anywhere) to the dock and simply let it go over the app icon of your choice and it will open. You can go the right click - copy/paste route too.

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