Excellent images; the last one is really and additionally awesome
Excellent images; the last one is really and additionally awesome
Hi Izzie,
Happy Anniversary. I must have missed that this was an anniversary cruise...
I like #1 the best. When I was on my only cruise, I thought that the ship's glass elevator was quite interesting...
Some one please help me to identify that painting of lady with the umbrella seen on the wall. I am familiar with that picture, but have some doubt
Thank you both, Ole and Jean...I wasn't thinking logically when I was photographing at the time as that was our first cruise and I was hellbent on trying to please my master, taking into consideration that it was our wedding anniversary week and we needed this vacation and be away from everyone we know. If we are going on our next one, I will be more careful and think better.
I appreciate your comments.
Thanks Mark, that one was well thought of for sure...and there are quite a few of them well composed ones. I did not take much shots as I had already explained because of the occasions and there are some that I should had taken my camera with me but didn't and I was truly sorry for them.
Always welcome your comments.
Amazing being in a floating city, Richard...We are talking of Lake Horn already as our next trip before Alaska next year, but I am still cold on cruising too soon...i had tried shooting those elevators for many shots and this one is the best I think...I also had some of the atrium and all of them are binned...too much shakes. Test shooting for the first three days was a PITA. I felt like the days were all wasted...I am glad you like the elevators.Appreciate your comments.
I think it is from Renoir, but not sure
Wow, I missed your anniversary cruise! Judging from the shots in this thread alone, looks like a great way to spend some quality time. Like the shots, well done.
Got it(Google) .It is by Claude Monet
Thank you Izzie
Sorry...I was late. I got some more from other areas of the ship but they were blurrier than blur. The whole theme of Conquest is about three painters/artists. Other Carnival ships have different themes. Thanks for the info.I knew I read it before we took the cruise and I had taken a shot of one name from Toulouse but it was icky-blurry...
Thanks Chris --I pity Bill that he has to stick with me at all times. We had fun though he is lost without his internet connections. When I get the chance, I will upload the last ones. I wasn't able to take a lot of shots in deference to the occasion. Now that I have experience in photgraphing on a sailing ship, I'd do better...'Appreciate your comments...