Nice series, I think you've found your inspiration.
Just lovely! I like #2 the best!
Love this type of photos and by are they good. A joy to look at.
#2 for me also Marie, the other two are good too but I really like the fog in number two.
Thanks, John,
I just am spending a lot of my time second and third guessing.
Richard, thank you.
I think I have set my bar too high, as I am nowadays unhappy with much of what I have done.
I really like that second one. It's brighter, the color in the leaves shows the best and just overall more detail in the shadows. Nice job!
Beautiful scene Marie, #2 for me too
Very nice images
You've captured some really nice color! I wonder if you'll be more inspired once you apply a dehaze tool to the distant vegetation in the second one.
Thanks, Terri for stopping by and critiquing.
Hi, Binnur!
How are you? Thank you for your comment.
I appreciate your comment.
Dear Mike,
I do not have a "dehaze" tool with Capture 1, so let me see what I can do to instead. Thank you for the suggestion. I will get back to you.
Good set Marie and it's No 1 for me.
Lovely and inspirational
Thank you, Maurice!
I am glad you like the images.