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I take a fair amount of sports photos (crew/rowing for my son and soccer/football for my daughter). Ignoring the specular highlights one encounters in crew, is sunny 16 (or not-so-sunny 11 or 8) a reliable rule? For soccer, I'm always (as you might guess) aiming at different points on the field, but I try to position myself so that the players will get somewhat consistent front or side light from the sun. If I rely on the meter, even with center-weighted metering, I'll get a lot of variation in the exposure. I'd prefer to just set the exposure manually and know that I won't get blown out highlights. The few times I've tried the sunny 16 setting, the LCD image seems very dark, so I switch back to shutter speed priority.
Has anyone used sunny 16 rule as a sort of set and forget, or is it just a starting point and you need to tweak, perhaps frequently?
Thanks, Bruce