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Thread: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

  1. #1
    TheBigE's Avatar
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    DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??


    So I just put together a photobook and realized I may have made a significant error (It has not been sent to printer) Here is my export settings for photo sizing

    DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Normally this is my default setting for showing on computer screen - did not engage my brain enough to realize that maybe I should make some changes regarding the DPI.

    So at 72 DPI the long edge of my photos would be 13.8 inches (1000/72) - The photo book that I am doing is a A5 size in landscape so its dimensions are 8.3" x 5.8" - so my photos should be "larger" than the page size wise and only downsized to fit on the pages. However, I think 72 DPI is not nearly enough for print resolution.

    The source I am using is in German (not my mother language) so trying to work through the site to see the recommendations on DPI. From what I see elsewhere on the Nets is that most recommendations are 300 DPI for print. A quick bit of math says that to have an image that fills a single page of the photobook (8.3" * 300) 2490. So lets say these settings should be used

    DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Of course if I do a two page spread with some of my Panos - this will need to be done "special"

    Just a quick check to see if I am missing anything - do I need to bump up my DPI to 300? Is 72 DPI too low?

    Exporting the photos from LR is no problem, the collection is set and just need to update the export will take much more work to replace all the photos in the "completed" photo book.


  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    On any book I have done all my photographs have been exported at 300 PPI. For what you are doing I would be tempted to set the Long Edge measurement to 8.3 inches rather then pixels but if you do that setting the Resolution to 300 PPI is critical. Images of 1000 pixels wide will often be rejected by book printing companies if you attempt to print them as a full page.

    I think you are going to have to export and upload them all again.

    NB. PPI and DPI are basically the same value used in different contexts.

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    TheBigE's Avatar
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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    On any book I have done all my photographs have been exported at 300 PPI. For what you are doing I would be tempted to set the Long Edge measurement to 8.3 inches rather then pixels but if you do that setting the Resolution to 300 PPI is critical. Images of 1000 pixels wide will often be rejected by book printing companies if you attempt to print them as a full page.

    I think you are going to have to export and upload them all again.

    NB. PPI and DPI are basically the same value used in different contexts.
    Thanks, just making sure I am not missing anything.

    Actually what clued me into the Resolution was when I did try to make some photos full page - I had a warning that the Resolution was insufficient.

    Exporting now....

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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    Thanks, just making sure I am not missing anything.

    Actually what clued me into the Resolution was when I did try to make some photos full page - I had a warning that the Resolution was insufficient.

    Exporting now....

    An image doesn't have a property as dpi. That's nonsense. The printer has a dpi setting. So if the printing company says they print with 300dpi, you must take care that your image is big enough in pixels. Just like you calculated it yourself. Maybe you can send me the link to the printing company, I know a little bit German.


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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post

    An image doesn't have a property as dpi. That's nonsense. The printer has a dpi setting. So if the printing company says they print with 300dpi, you must take care that your image is big enough in pixels. Just like you calculated it yourself. Maybe you can send me the link to the printing company, I know a little bit German.

    Yes the DPI is no need for image on screen - hence the reason I did not think about it when exporting I normally just export for screen. Furthermore, this was one of the first times I did not use the native LR Book Building Module. (NO exporting required)

    It was only after I resized a few photos to the full page size that I started to get the error Aufloesung zu gering. (Resolution too translation). At first I thought it was because I was upsizing the photos beyond the normal range....but then I thought more and realized my error.

    I ended up going with Paul suggestion of 8.3 inches and 300 dpi. It was not actually too difficult to redo the photos - just drag and drop.

    It was - if you are interested. First time using them.

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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post
    Yes the DPI is no need for image on screen - hence the reason I did not think about it when exporting I normally just export for screen. Furthermore, this was one of the first times I did not use the native LR Book Building Module. (NO exporting required)

    It was only after I resized a few photos to the full page size that I started to get the error Aufloesung zu gering. (Resolution too translation). At first I thought it was because I was upsizing the photos beyond the normal range....but then I thought more and realized my error.

    I ended up going with Paul suggestion of 8.3 inches and 300 dpi. It was not actually too difficult to redo the photos - just drag and drop.

    It was - if you are interested. First time using them.
    I get regular mailings from posterxxl, in Dutch, exactly the same pages as in German. And as far I could see so quickly the same prices.
    You don't have to resize your images exactly. Just don't go under the minimum.
    Did you think about the color profile? That should be sRGB.
    I ordered several times something at that website. No complaints. But never a book. I'm curious about your experience.


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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by george013 View Post
    I get regular mailings from posterxxl, in Dutch, exactly the same pages as in German. And as far I could see so quickly the same prices.
    You don't have to resize your images exactly. Just don't go under the minimum.
    Did you think about the color profile? That should be sRGB.
    I ordered several times something at that website. No complaints. But never a book. I'm curious about your experience.


    Thank - I did notice there live chat was in German, French or Dutch. This is my first book with them, the interface is pretty easy to use so far and upload was quick. There is that - I did order a large print from them and had it framed and overall I was impressed.

    That being said my standards are not super high yet as I am still learning my way through printing. Yes - I did go with sRGB color space for the photos.

    Were you able to find the "minimums" anywhere?

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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigE View Post

    Thank - I did notice there live chat was in German, French or Dutch. This is my first book with them, the interface is pretty easy to use so far and upload was quick. There is that - I did order a large print from them and had it framed and overall I was impressed.

    That being said my standards are not super high yet as I am still learning my way through printing. Yes - I did go with sRGB color space for the photos.

    Were you able to find the "minimums" anywhere?
    No, I didn't find them. Where're they? I must say when I look for them in other sides I've always problems to find them.


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    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    You should ask the photobook people what the native resolution of their printer is and use that. In the absence of any other information, then 300 dpi is a good default value. The mass produced photo books use specialized printers that use a number of different technologies, probably not inkjet. Some have resolutions that are less than we get on better quality photo inkjet printers. You should also ask for the profile they use and soft proof you images to ensure that you don't blow out any highlights.

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    Re: DPI for Photobook - Do I need to Redo my settings??

    Link below I found via Google, I don't know how to get there through their link at the bottom of the page.
    It doesn't mention a print resolution, just some figures. And I don't believe them.
    This is the same page in German.?????

    Beat me!


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