Fascinating series Brian, I'm sure you have many followers.
No pressure (yeah right!), but I hope you manage to be there when it emerges.
(but I appreciate you can't be watching all day, everyday and we may miss it)
I have a question; (mostly) on the top third, are those little holes (to let air in?) that I can see where the dark line comes down it (towards the right hand side)? There is one per 'segment', I count 6-7 in total.
TIA, Dave
If you know about when it comes out, you could try a time laps. The camera on a tripod, and shoot every few second a shot. Then merge them as a video. Probably the software is in your camera.
I noted your settings
Another couple of things to consider;
If this emerges at a night (in the dark) are you confident you know how to deal with it, settings and lighting?
Are you going to try it at f/22?
P.S. I also see that this one although really good has scope to improve even more with PP, but that may be down to personal taste
Nicely isolated.
Aha! f/22 ...