A nice set of shots to give one a sense of the place. Well done.
Looking good. Obviously shot under difficult conditions.
I wonder about losing a little from the bottom of the first image and going for an even more 'letterbox shape'.
Looks to be a place full of interest Maurice. Nicely caught and illustrated.
I like these Maurice, generally good compositions in all.
My only suggestion is that #6 feels just a little cramped at the left hand edge, ideally I'd have given a bit more space between the left most dingy and the frame edge - if necessary cloning out anything untoward that intruded with a looser crop, or even adding canvas and cloning to fill that if there was no more to include, but those ideas don't appeal to everyone.
Cheers, Dave
PS I've not visited Ireland (proper), I have done a 'flying visit' to Belfast once (which doesn't count), but that's as close as I got.
One day, may be.
I like this series, Maurice...gave a sense of being there. It looks like you have to many interesting places to take there nearby...
A nice series there, Maurice.
I take it you are an angler.
Gary, not an angler. Few people were fishing and I took the opportunity to put the rod in the shot.
Thanks, Maurice.
Excellent set of images; first one needs a minor rotation towards right; regards