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Thread: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

  1. #1
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    Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Hi everyone,
    I recently joint this forum and really love it.
    I'm a new to photography scene and have Nikon D-90 kit lens 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6; recently been looking a Nikon prime lens 50 mm (Nikon has several models for 50 mm ( f/1.2 [AI-S]; f/1.4 AF-D; F/1.4 G AF-S; F/1.8 AF D].
    Please advise me a review of above lens in term of performance and what model would be best used.
    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Rachmad View Post
    Hi everyone,
    I recently joint this forum and really love it.
    I'm a new to photography scene and have Nikon D-90 kit lens 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6; recently been looking a Nikon prime lens 50 mm (Nikon has several models for 50 mm ( f/1.2 [AI-S]; f/1.4 AF-D; F/1.4 G AF-S; F/1.8 AF D].
    Please advise me a review of above lens in term of performance and what model would be best used.
    Thanks in advance,



    Welcome to the group. Before any of us can answer the above question, first tell us what your experience is with focusing the camera manually. That answer will help form the right answer and if you check out the link below you will see some of the benefits and obstacles to manually focusing. The good thing about an auto focus lens is that you can always switch to manual focus and learn the craft the old way. If you purchase a lens that can only be manually focused on your camera, then you will have to learn to achieve a skill using manual focus only, or until you buy a camera that will function with that particular lens. You are probably wondering why I am bringing up manual focus, well the Nikon AF-D lens won't autofocus with your camera model, the AF-S models will. There is a significant price difference in the AF-D and AF-S models so consider that also when you eventually make your choice. I have the AF-D lens and I am new to manually focusing but it's fun after you get the hang of it, plus you can always use a tripod for better image stabilzation or anti-camera shake which will render your photos out of focus.

  3. #3

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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Rachmad View Post
    Hi everyone,
    I recently joint this forum and really love it.
    I'm a new to photography scene and have Nikon D-90 kit lens 18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6; recently been looking a Nikon prime lens 50 mm (Nikon has several models for 50 mm ( f/1.2 [AI-S]; f/1.4 AF-D; F/1.4 G AF-S; F/1.8 AF D].
    Please advise me a review of above lens in term of performance and what model would be best used.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Eddy,

    The first thought that came into my head was "prescription without diagnosis is malpractice"; so along that vein (pun intended!), "what type(s) of photography will you be doing that you feel the 50mm lens for"?

    I currently have 6 lenses; 3 primes, and 3 zooms ... it's the zooms that are on my camera 90% of the time. The primes are more specialist lenses (eg 14mm for ultra wide-angle work, and 85/F1.2 for shallow Depth of Field work).
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 11th September 2010 at 08:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    You are probably wondering why I am bringing up manual focus, well the Nikon AF-D lens won't autofocus with your camera model, the AF-S models will.
    Eddy I think you'll find that the D90 still has the autofocus motor on board so will be OK with all Nikkor lenses, although some of the older versions have metering limitations. That being the case I would plump for the older 50mm f1.8 which is as cheap as chips and a great way in to developing the skills of using a prime. It's a terrific lens too.

  5. #5

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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Hi I've also got a D90 and a Prime 50mm f1.8 AF D and all I can say is I think its great. think it was around £100

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Hi Eddy,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    I agree with Mike about the "AF-D" lenses being fine to Auto-Focus on a D90.
    Just not on a D40, D40x, D60, D3000, D3100 or (my) D5000, where "AF-S" is required for AF, and often metering too.

    We (all) may find this useful;

    Or specifically from the D90 tech.spec page from Nikonusa;
    AF Nikkor other than D-type: All functions except 3D Color Matrix Metering and 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash for D1-series possible
    D-/G-type AF NIKKOR (excluding IX NIKKOR lenses): All functions possible (excluding PC Micro- NIKKOR)
    AF NIKKOR other than D-/G-type (excluding lenses for F3AF): All functions except 3D-Color Matrix Metering II possible
    AI-P NIKKOR: All functions supported except autofocus and 3D Color Matrix Metering II
    DX AF NIKKOR: All functions possible
    Beware the AI-S 50mm f/1.2 though, that is manual focus only.


  7. #7
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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Thanks John, Colin, Mike, Rob and Dave for quick response. I decide to have 50 mm f/1.8 AF-D.
    Now start shooting indoor potrait and developing the skills of using a prime lens and manual focus as well.

    One again, thank you.


  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon prime lens 50 mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddy Rachmad View Post
    Thanks John, Colin, Mike, Rob and Dave for quick response. I decide to have 50 mm f/1.8 AF-D.
    Now start shooting indoor potrait and developing the skills of using a prime lens and manual focus as well.

    One again, thank you.


    Good luck with your decision and be sure to post a few of your shots on this forum.

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