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Thread: Who is Joe McNally?

  1. #21

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritimer1 View Post
    Not knowing enough, I find it hard to grasp how photos like Dance 08/13 and Classics 15/29 and 29/29 are not composites.
    Hi Myra,

    08/13 In the Dance portfolio will have been done using a strobeoscopic flash setup. Keep in mind that Joe has a LOT of equipment at his disposal. I know he likes to use the PocketWizard MultiMax's when you can set them up to fire up to 4 flashes one after the other (and then back to the first), which it looks like was done here.

    For 15/29 Joe was given free access to anywhere in the Smithsonian museum (including storage rooms), and he discovered the dusty heads. He lit Michelle with a standard beauty dish setup, and the diamond with a 3000 watt/second stroboscopic projector (all covered in his book, "The Moment it Clicks".

    If you're keen, pop along to and search on Joe McNally Desert (there's 2 parts covering 2 different shoots) to give you an idea of how he works. There's also a 1 hour standup presentation to Google folks, and also the Empire State Building "lightbulb changing" shot.

    PS: Sorry I can't give you direct links ... my daughters blew my broadband cap and I'm back to dialup speeds until next week!

  2. #22

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Thanks, Colin. Amazing what can be done with that lighting set-up. If anyone else wants to check out the youtube videos, they are:


  3. #23

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    He's not that good, he just has a GOOD camera..................................

    Amazing stuff. The guy is phenomenal!!! His compositional skills are unreal.

  4. #24

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve S View Post
    He's not that good, he just has a GOOD camera..................................
    I thought that too initially, but then I discovered he's a Nikon shooter

  5. #25

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    A place where art, cash and technical ability collide. I have seen his work before and whilst not the greatest fan of aerosol can saturation his creativity is incredible. But his creativity is imprisoned by his style.

    This high end polished commercialism is what caused Brian Duffy to lay down his camera and burn his negatives (that and a touch of artists madness). And I can see why. Whilst NcNally's images are undoubtably highly refined they lack a certain honesty and emotion. They are for me a world of Album covers and plastic people. It is America as America wants to be seen not America as it is. Hence his popularity.

    So is it what photography is all about? Well I sincerely hope not.

    I suspect I am a lone voice on this but it is something I feel strongly about. For example When we are young, free and unconstrained we are quick to drop music that becomes 'commercialised' we see the artist as selling out, shunning his roots and paying the 'Man'. This is the feeling I get when I view McNally. Which is good actually because it makes an old duffer like me feel young again
    You are not alone Steve, my sentiments are similar. I too sincerely hope this is not what photography is all about either. This is what commercial photography is about IMO, niche photography, which is not a bad thing by any means, but is not my personal cuppa. I can admire, even envy his skill, but little he does makes me want to look twice or long, or try to study his technique -- it is transparent. You said it well, in my view, "But his creativity is imprisoned by his style," although most others who become notorious also become jaded, I think.

    The topic and link was an interesting interlude, however, befitting an eclectic audience. I wonder, if I lost my bias, what could I learn from him?


  6. #26

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by David deSousa View Post
    I wonder, if I lost my bias, what could I learn from him?
    Well for what it's worth, I've learned a lot from him.

  7. #27
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    I have followed Joe for quite a while. He has a blog, which is updated frequently, showing off a small part of the photographs he is making. I think his work is great. It is something that seems out of reach for me, especially because I don't want to lug around as much equipment as he does.
    That being said, I would love to go to one of his workshops, to experience the way he works more closely.

    About his work being too commercial for some tastes...
    ...I don't really share that sentiment. Joe is a workhorse and has been from the beginning. He never started out like an amateur who liked taking pictures and evolved from there. He grew up in his job and took his lessons along the way. Because of that he has a certain style, aimed at the taste of the magazines he worked for and the editors that reviewed his pictures. He doesn't seem particularly unhappy because of that. He can still make pictures that he likes in his own way. His way is recognized as such and I think Joe is content or maybe even proud with that.

    Lots of great photographers and famous painters worked/work like that and would I fault them for that? I think not. For them it is about the job and their own input in that. Being recognized as a creative talent is nice, but that is not always what these people set out to do. It just happened along the way.

    Ending with a quote by Joe that I like and that says it all:

    'Our pictures are our footprints. It’s the best way to tell people we were here.'
    Joe McNally, photographer
    Last edited by Letrow; 18th October 2010 at 09:55 AM.

  8. #28

    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    I agree with all that you say Peter. I cannot dispute that there is popular art and that it is highly commercial. What I can say for me personally is that art has to grab me by the throat. it has to make me feel uncomfortable with my initial thoughts, It has to make me see things in a way that excite me. For me Mr McNally's work does not do that. I can not and would never attempt to criticise his technical prowess and his businessmans eye for what makes a well heeled section of society want to part with their cash but I personally need more depth and that does not make for a commercial work. I can appreciate it for what it is though.

    David, it appears that we are voices in the wilderness in this thread. Still if we all enjoyed the same things life would be very dull.

  9. #29
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    ... art has to grab me by the throat. It has to make me feel uncomfortable with my initial thoughts, It has to make me see things in a way that excite me ...
    Agree And that is no easy task.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    ... Still if we all enjoyed the same things life would be very dull.
    In fact...

  10. #30
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    I agree with all that you say Peter. I cannot dispute that there is popular art and that it is highly commercial. What I can say for me personally is that art has to grab me by the throat. it has to make me feel uncomfortable with my initial thoughts, It has to make me see things in a way that excite me. For me Mr McNally's work does not do that. I can not and would never attempt to criticise his technical prowess and his businessmans eye for what makes a well heeled section of society want to part with their cash but I personally need more depth and that does not make for a commercial work. I can appreciate it for what it is though.

    David, it appears that we are voices in the wilderness in this thread. Still if we all enjoyed the same things life would be very dull.
    Well, I agree with that as well.
    I mean honestly, there are a lot of photographers that I like better than Joe, but they do different work. Personally I like B&W better and especially work from photographers like HCB or Stieglitz. But if I look at something like National Geographic for instance I see a lot of good photography there as well. Joe is in that category in my opinion. Good/great photographs, where both a good eye and technique play an important role together to create something great. They don't always grab me by the throat though, but the photographs are sometimes incredible.

    A lot of the photographs that Joe shot wouldn't have been on my subject list (apart from my technical ignorance, which would hamper me severely I mean).
    Some examples from the current portfolio: Girl in a cornfield on bar? Girl in a sink? Guy jumping up in the desert? Not my taste, but great technical skills. Much too composed for me though.
    The portraits though I really like. Old guy with tattoos, the preacher, the cowboy, even the girl in front of the pool table. Those are pictures I would like to make. They seem natural compared to some of the other photos. But look at the great lighting, that is his strong point I think.

    Even so, I still like some of HCB's portraits much better. But let's not forget that he used his own concept as well and exploited it commercially.

    In the end it is a matter of taste and I see your point I meant to say, but still think that Joe McNally is great. In his own particular way that is. And it is fun to discuss it like this ;-).

  11. #31
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Have you seen this ?

    Who is Joe McNally?

  12. #32
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    I've got my ticket for Boston

    ..hopefully I can keep up with the conversation

  13. #33

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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    Quote Originally Posted by djg05478 View Post
    I've got my ticket for Boston

    ..hopefully I can keep up with the conversation
    Say hi to Joe for me

  14. #34
    vicphotog's Avatar
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    Re: Who is Joe McNally?

    As someone who is new to photography and discovering my creative and artistic side very late in life, and what that means and looks like to me, I realize that it is such an individual thing, and art is in the eye of whomever appreciates it. I have a great appreciation for all of the wonderful photographers out there, from avid hobbyists to the top of the industry, and while I admire their work, it makes me aspire not to be like them, but to really discover who I am as an artist and photographer..... I have a long way to go but am loving this new journey for me, and every photographer who's work I get to see inspires me ever more.
    The other part that is really important to understand is that these "great" photographers, may only be that way because they also know how to put themselves out there. No fear, no hesitation, they just get out and show what they've got. I admire that too.
    Thanks for sharing the link!

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