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Thread: On1 Software

  1. #1

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    On1 Software

    Has anyone on CiC any experience of using On1 software. I have a downloaded version of Lightroom 6 that I like but it does not include a layers feature. As I don’t want to get roped into Adobe’s Creative Cloud set-up I wonder how close On1 gets to full blown Photoshop?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Software

    I strongly suspect that the simple answer to your questions is "no".

    I had been a user of the OnOne software, but stopped upgrading it when I found I never used it. I have upgraded other non-Adobe photo software because I did use it.

    I resisted the Adobe subscription model for over a year, when it was first introduced, but have been using it for the past several years. The one thing I have noticed is that the people that complain about the subscription model are the ones that have not used it. While I can't say for sure that everyone stays with it, the numbers coming out of Adobe suggest it has been successful and people tend to stick with it once they go that way.

  3. #3

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    Re: On1 Software

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    the numbers coming out of Adobe suggest it has been successful and people tend to stick with it once they go that way.
    More important, they voluntarily stick with it. It's not as if people have to stick with it or get penalized if they decide not to stick with it, as so many people who are opposed to the concept of a subscription imply.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Software

    I hate the idea of a subscription system in principle, but I have to say that I have been quite pleased with the CC package. The photographer's bundle isn't very expensive, and it is nice not to have to think much about it. Occasionally I hold off on allowing the software to update itself when a major revision comes out, to see whether people uncover problems and if so, to let Adobe work them out. However, when you decide to update, it's trivially easy, easier than buying new software and installing it.

    My one complaint is that some of the Lightroom upgrades lost my plugins, but that would have happened if I had bought the software with a perpetual license as well. It's not a fault of the CC subscription.

  5. #5

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    Re: On1 Software

    I use On1 along with LR6 and am quite pleased with it. I also have the full Topaz suite(albeit an older rev) and tried the (now)free Nik software. But I find On1 satisfies all of my editing needs. I used to use Photoshop Elements and do miss some of the selection tools that were superior to those in On1.

    Regarding the subscription version of LR/PS, I strongly suspect that the "perpetual license" version of LR will not be offered with the next release. Even with LR6 it is nearly impossible to navigate your way through the website to find the stand alone version. They are clearly determined push us all to the subscription model.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Software

    I have used ON1 software for several years now but, only on an occasional basis. I have paid for the update to ON1 RAW. My two primary editing programs still remain Adobe Photoshop CC and NIK. I do like the ON1 Masking and Layers as well as the ON1 resizing...

    However, I could easily work without ON1. At this time of my life (I am 76) my intention is to have the most fun possible with my photography. If a program is "fun" for me to use, I will pay for it, even if I can do almost the same thing with other programs.

    However for someone who is working with software that doesn't support layers, ON1 is a great asset. Additionally, it seems like the On1 RAW will be a good stand alone program.

    It does seem to me however, that Adobe Photoshop CC has been a great upgrade and has features (such as selections) that only plug-ins proided previously!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 28th October 2016 at 04:24 PM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: On1 Software

    I have been using and getting onOne upgrades since I got a free copy of Perfect Effects 8 years ago. I am currently on #10 and have prepaid for the raw version. I like the software quite a bit and use it a great deal of the time. Elements 12 is my home base software. I gave Elements 15 a free trial a couple of weeks ago. When I did, Adobe clearly tried to steer me to the subscription plan and away from Elements. I thought that was odd since I was specifically uploading Elements. Anyway, Elements 15 still had the ACR plug-in from Elements 12. Since I have not bought a new, current camera, I saw no reason to keep it. Elements 12 is a great base of onOne. I also have Nik, Topaz, and DxO Filmpack. I use them all with Nik Viveza, Topaz Denoise and Detail, and Perfect Effects 10 being very frequently used. The stacking of effects in #10 is very good and is going to be even better when the raw version is released according to the video I recently saw. It is so easy to stack, adjust opacity for each and overall. The software is also a lot of fun. Very easy to use. Straightforward. It can hang and be slow at times. Hopefully, the raw version will be faster. Very good stuff. Highly recommended.

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