Nicely captured.
I like the shot for what you were trying to accomplish but I think I would have moved either ISO, shutter or aperture so that my exposure was no longer than 24-28 seconds to avoid the elongated star trails. Maybe some light painting on the foreground boats to knock down the brightly lit mid area. Just a thought.
Beautiful colors, I like it.
Was this not the site of a Viking attack on the abbey...
Very nice shot , I like it a lot
That is nice. I take Chris's point about the star trails but what I think works so well here is the use of the WA lens (12mm?) with the result that the boat masts combine to lead you to the stars that you did capture. If you can, it might be worth selectively taking down the BG highlights but I like this a lot.
It was my Samyang 12mm f2 John - if you haven't got one of these for your X-T2 I'd highly recommend it. For the price it is an absolute bargain and even removing the cost it is a great lens. Its sharp, well made, easy to use on the X-Systen and small enough to just pop in a pocket to have with you - the filter thread isn't monstrous either so filters aren't expensive.
The other lads I was with all struggled to focus their AF Nikon lenses as many lack a focus end stop and clear indication of where infinity is - it was so dark accurate MF was very difficult and AF was a none starter. The Samyang was a doddle to use.
I like this image too cloud covers or not...