First, this is an awesome capture. It looks like the head of some type of beast with it's mouth open, showing it's teeth. If it were mine, I might play with it in NIK Silver Efex. If it was close to home and readily available, I would definitely shoot a lot more under various conditions. Great find and thanks for sharing!
Fantastic reflection!
At the risk of losing the finer hairs on my head, which are fewer and farther between, I have this thing about images where there appears to be a tilt to the horizon line. Before everyone goes off the deep end, I realize that many people do not find this disturbing.
This image falls into that category. I am not sure how this will present itself as I left the white border but you can see it took a bit of adjustment to bring it in line. It's a nice shot; I just feel this adjustment makes it nicer...but it's only an opinion.
The problem for me here Jim, is that the reflection is so good that the whole comp seems to be floating in air. Perhaps that is what you intended however it might be interesting if you can repeat the shot but after you have thrown a very small stone into the water to add a few ripples. Just a thought,
Congratulations for this beautiful view
I think if you rotate such a unique sculpture
Great capture Jim. It made me think of the lake monster at the door to the Mines of Moria in The Lord of the Rings.
Nice subject, Jim. The crop is a bit tight for my taste, though.
+1 to John's comments...maybe a manufactured ripple in Photoshop is in order here...
Thanks all for the great feedback and comments. It is always appreciated and helpful.
One thing, if the water had ripples I would not get the mirror image.
It took me a few seconds to see what the image was, awesome shot.
I agree, ripples would have spoilt the reflection.
Splendid composition.
Thanks Kaye, Ted and Gary.
John it does give the image a different look. Thanks for taking the time.