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It is sort of a weird thing - that offset between the brush and affected area is showing very well on my Surface Tablet but my desktop is just fine. I am running the same software version on both of them.
I guess it is something device specific.
I thought we'd seen an answer to this query, must have been in a different thread.
UPDATE: see what happens when you open several tabs and work through, you miss the most recent posts and look daft - although some say I just look daft anyway!
IIRC, I believe it related to any Operating System applied magnification factor applied to make text or icons bigger, with the suggestion that a recent OS update had affected the way this was applied in certain programs (aka apps).
I found this when I googled this morning: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1405422
It may be relevant (to John or Eugen), even if some of the factors are not.