If I had framed this image, I can all but guarantee you that I would have composed to exclude everything on the other side of the wall. And in doing so, I would have dramatically reduced the quality of the image.
The dust and particles in the air remind me of my makeshift studio.
Nice one Sergio. Well seen and captured.
Well captured, there is no doubt but you have a fantastic eye.
I really love this photo. I think this is one of the best B&W photos I have seen in quite a while. To my mind, an absolute stunner. This is what photography is about. One can break the rules once in a while.
Cheers Ole
Thank you, John. My wife and I had stopped to have something to eat. It was also an opportunity for me to have a large Dos XX dressed.
Thank you, Mike. Lol about the dust in your makeshift studio. There was a lot of staff walking around swirling up the dust, so I did have to wait a bit before getting the shot. This is a crop and I felt it best expressed what I saw.
Thank you, Dan. The sun was lower in the sky and was illuminating the only vacant table in the restaurant/bar at the time. I consider myself fortunate.
Maurice, thank you for such a tremendous compliment. I noticed the light toward the end of our meal and unfortunately the end of my beer. I suspected my shutter speed was going to be below the 1/focal length recommendation, so I quickly put the camera in live view mode to avoid mirror slap, and took the shot at first opportunity.
Ole, thank you for the compliment and I'm honored that you think so. I had set the ISO and exposure compensation earlier for a different location. I didn't change the settings because I felt they would work for this particular scene. It all seemed to work out well and I'm very pleased with the shot.
I would have done the same as you did with doing this one in live view or I will go on shooting and correcting all the time and will lose the sun's position. Good job!
Hmmm we learn something everyday...I used lived view when it is just too bright to settle down on the right exposure buy adjusting either/or aperture or shutter speed. I didn't know that it settle down vibration. Thing about mirror up is that now I learned not to to keep it on live view too long as I was told it heats up the power circuit board which was the cause of my mirror staying to the up position and my camera going to repair. I had since learned that Nikon versions from D300 up to D810 or perhaps thereafter has been notorious for this heat up. Why Nikon hasn't done anything about it since is beyond me.Repair charge was $250.
I agree with what others have said. This is a very good image. Such a picture depends, I think on creating a mood and an atmosphere. This one does that wonderfully well. You could sit down and make up a whole story just built around that image.
Izzie, when the 5D3 is in live view mode the mirror is up and out of the way to allow me to see the image on the lcd screen (folks, if I'm wrong please correct me). When using the view finder the mirror has to flip out of the way when releasing the shutter to allow the image to reach the camera sensor, and the vibration caused by this can be transferred to the image especially at slower shutter speeds: ~1/100 - 1/4 (again, correct if wrong). I would agree it's probably not a good idea to keep the camera in live view mode for long, and I'm sorry to hear you had to incur costs to get it fixed. I rarely use live view mode; this was one of those times and mainly for the reason stated. I also felt it deflected attention and was less threatening than bringing the camera to my eye as most people in the vicinity of where I was pointing just smiled at me knowingly and looked away as if to say, "look at the newb/tourist fiddling with his camera".
Donald, thank you. I'm very glad the photo makes you feel and think the way you do (it does me). It's very hard to see something that moves you and then translate that feeling and mood once you have the image on your computer. Fortunately I have a lot of tools at my disposal to try and do that. Lightroom, Photoshop, and Nik software all helped me in that endeavor. I realize not everyone will see or feel what I do and I understand that, but I usually go with what feels right to me. I'm glad that it resonated with you and some others.