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Thread: Capture One Pro help

  1. #1
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Capture One Pro help

    I've been very happy with Capture One Pro 8 until just recently.

    My problem is that after a few minutes of viewing or editing the viewer window stays in low resolution and will stop showing any adjustments that I make. I can see all of the adjustments in the browser previews.

    I'm running in Windows 10 on an iMac in Bootcamp.
    Has anyone seen and fixed this problem or have any suggestions on how to fix it?

    I have contacted Capture One support and tried their suggestions without success.
    1. Change the preview size to be bigger than the actual size of my preview.
    2. Toggle the OpenCL from auto to never.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One Pro help

    Have you tried running in native MacOS?

    My previous experience with Bootcamp is that is it not 100% bug free. So far as I know you should have 3 installations on your Capture One licence so you should be able to load the Mac version and run it in native mode. So far as I know it was written fro MacOS and ported to Windows, so it should (in theory) be cleaner running there.

    I'm running version 9 on Windows, but never had any issues with version 8 either.

  3. #3
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One Pro help

    Thanks Manfred I will try that. The only problem is the available hard drive space, I allocated most of the space to the Windows partition.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One Pro help

    Quote Originally Posted by Pixl8tor View Post
    Thanks Manfred I will try that. The only problem is the available hard drive space, I allocated most of the space to the Windows partition.
    You can always uninstall the Windows version to save space if you are installing it on the Mac. That should be more or less space neutral. If I remember correctly, you can remove the license from the Windows installation when you log into your account on the Phase One site.

    I can confirm what I had written above is correct. Go to the Phase One website and click on the "My Pages" button on the top and sign in. That will open an new page one of the selections there, under the "Software Licence" block is a link that says "Go to licence management page". Click on that and click on the product you own and that will let you manage your licences.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 4th November 2016 at 02:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Re: Capture One Pro help

    I think I've solved the problem.
    I changed the Windows 10 scaling from 175% to 200%.
    I also made some other changes that may have affected it but I didn't get the performance back until I changed the scaling.
    Other changes made;
    1. Turned GPU scaling on in the AMD driver settings.
    2. Updated the Mac OS.

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