Here are a few images from a shoot I did recently, for C&C. I've already shown a similar image from the same series, but I'm feeling tough-skinned so thought I'd post up three more for your comments
These were all taken in the clients' home using a portable backdrop, continuous lighting and a mix of reflective and shoot-through umbrellas. I also had a reflector on a stand where needed. As mentioned previously, continuous lighting was used because of the baby's tempremant - better to have a placid baby and contend with missing a few images due to movement than try to sell tack-sharp images of a screaming child to his parents.
Considering this, things you feel I should think about for similar sessions in the future would be very helpful.
Untitled by
Simon Grimes, on Flickr
Untitled by
Simon Grimes, on Flickr
Untitled by
Simon Grimes, on Flickr