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Thread: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

  1. #1

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    Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    When I posted my first image of this bottle of wine in this thread, I explained that I wasn't satisfied with it. That was mostly because there was nothing about the image having to do with the fact that white Pinot Noir is made from the same grapes used to make red Pinot Noir.

    I asked for ideas about how to design a scene and several people generously posted some excellent concepts. I liked Boab's the best when he suggested to use "a plain burgundy background as a nod tae the wine's usual colour." Ole (mugge) reinforced that idea by adding that "whatever you do it has to be simple and 'cool' no warm colours introduced. Except one Red."

    So, if you don't like this image, blame Boab and Ole.

    The tabletop and background are a single sheet of textured art pepper the color of red wine. A white sheet of paper cut to the shape of the bottle is taped to its rear to display the color of the wine. The first capture used a flashlight held above and in front of the bottle to light everything except the glass between the foil and label. A second capture used a flashlight held above the bottle to light the part of it not lit in the first capture. A white reflector on the left side added the slight reflection to that side of the bottle to help define its shape. The two captures were merged.

    Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 8th November 2016 at 11:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Nicely captured.

  3. #3
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    I like the way the red paper fades into the shadows. very nice Mike.

  4. #4

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Mike, well well well! I reckon you have pointed out the fact that the grapes used in red and white Pinot Noir are the same. Seriously though, I think you have achieved a resolution elegantly.
    Cheers Ole

  5. #5

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Although the wine looks green now, the image looks nice

  6. #6

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Thank you, all!

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    This one works nicely Mike. Still simple, but you have managed to preserve the colour of the wine. The how correct the shade of the wine is? That is something only you know for sure...

  8. #8

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Thanks, Manfred!

    Manfred and Binnur,

    There is no correct shade of the wine. Just as is the case with anything, the color of wine is determined by the light in the scene and the things near the scene that are reflected in the wine or not. As a more blatant example, shiny metal can easily appear white, black or grey and sometimes all at the same time even when bright light is shining directly on it, depending on the angle of the light relative to the position of the camera. Understanding that, what is the correct color of shiny metal? The answer for me, as is true for everything I photograph in my makeshift studio, is that the correct color is the color I want it to be at that time.

    If I was photographing objects for the purpose of providing an incentive for people to buy, rent or lease them, I would have a very different take on that to ensure that my photos weren't accidentally deceiving potential customers. I don't do that kind of photography so I don't have to be concerned about that.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 10th November 2016 at 12:01 AM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Usual high standers but that is no surprise.

  10. #10

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Thanks, Maurice!

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    There is no correct shade of the wine. Just as is the case with anything, the color of wine is determined by the light in the scene and the things near the scene that are reflected in the wine or not.
    I understand that Mike, but where I was coming from is that you controlled the light reflecting from the red background well so as to not add any appreciable red into the colour of the wine.

  12. #12

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    you controlled the light reflecting from the red background well so as to not add any appreciable red into the colour of the wine.
    Ahhhhh, now I understand the point you were making. The white piece of paper taped to the rear of the bottle prevented that from happening.

  13. #13

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    Re: Wine: White Pinot Noir -- Take 3 thanks to Boab (tao2)

    It's incredible how much detail goes into these set ups, Mike. Nicely done. And a nice little factoid about the same grape being used for both red and white wines.

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