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Thread: ON1 Photo RAW

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    ON1 Photo RAW

    NICOLESY (Nicole S. Young) is offering a free online course concerning the soon to be issued ON1 Photo RAW.

    I have downloaded several Ebooks by NICOLESY on other ON1 issues and they were quite good. NICOLESY works with the ON1 folks so, her "free" course is not a come-on bait...

  2. #2

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    Re: ON1 Photo RAW

    I can vouch for the quality of her instructional videos. With a prior version of On1 they gave away her instructional series (a couple dozen video chapters) and it was quite good.

  3. #3
    PhilT's Avatar
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    Re: ON1 Photo RAW

    Do someone knows if there is somewhere an independant evaluation/test of the On1 Raw? I have the On1 10.5 and wait to see how good it really is before thinking about updating.

  4. #4

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    Re: ON1 Photo RAW

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilT View Post
    Do someone knows if there is somewhere an independant evaluation/test of the On1 Raw? I have the On1 10.5 and wait to see how good it really is before thinking about updating.
    I don't know of any "independent" tests. But anyway if you've been using 10.5 what do you expect to gain from someone else's opinion on the new version of the software?

    As an On1 user myself here's how I see it. I've had an opportunity to evaluate the general competence of the company based on their prior products. I'm familiar with the style of the UI(which is a significant consideration with any software). I know what tools will be included. Etc, etc.... The advertising and comments/videos by their paid experts provide information on new features. And, no doubt, as always they will provide an opportunity for a free trial. With the knowledge I already have based on using 10.5 I can't think of anyone more qualified to evaluate the software for my needs than myself. I'll be downloading the trial version when it's available and testing it myself. Why make any decision based on someone else's opinion when I can have first hand experience to guide me?

    Granted I do tend to over value my own opinions

  5. #5
    PhilT's Avatar
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    Re: ON1 Photo RAW

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I don't know of any "independent" tests. But anyway if you've been using 10.5 what do you expect to gain from someone else's opinion on the new version of the software?

    As an On1 user myself here's how I see it. I've had an opportunity to evaluate the general competence of the company based on their prior products. I'm familiar with the style of the UI(which is a significant consideration with any software). I know what tools will be included. Etc, etc.... The advertising and comments/videos by their paid experts provide information on new features. And, no doubt, as always they will provide an opportunity for a free trial. With the knowledge I already have based on using 10.5 I can't think of anyone more qualified to evaluate the software for my needs than myself. I'll be downloading the trial version when it's available and testing it myself. Why make any decision based on someone else's opinion when I can have first hand experience to guide me?

    Granted I do tend to over value my own opinions
    Thanks for giving your opinion.
    The question was mainly because the new software is supposed to be a RAW processor as well. What would interess me is to have the opinion from specialists that compare it to other RAW processors (as you can find comparative tests for cameras). I don't feel myself enough competent to be able to judge and compare the technical level of the software .
    Indeed, the On1 staff is quite competent and reacts quickly and nicely when you ask for help.
    As you suggest waiting for free trial seems to be the most clever attitude.

  6. #6

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    Re: ON1 Photo RAW

    I'm undecided at the moment. There are claims that the RAW converter will be particularly effective for Fuji files something that Adobe have quite achieved. But even though I could happily make use of Effects 10, even at the current discount price, it's a lot to pay for something that make end up disappointing.

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