I like them both Jean.
I like them both Jean.
The problem for me with the monochrome version is that the reflections in the glass have more contrast that causes them to stand out more and get in the way of the nice lines.
Cool shot.
I love the depth of color and all the straight lines.
Well done.
+1 to what Donald has written. The colour range in your original image is already quite narrow and I feel you have lost more than you have gained in the conversion.
While I spent a lot of time doing B&W work when I first got into "serious photography", I now only do so when I find that there is a good compositional reason to do so. Somehow throwing away 99.998% of the data that my camera has captured is not a decision I take lightly)
Super capture all around. I do prefer the color version!
Color for me too
Thank you Binnur, Manfred and Richard.
This time color; but B&W is great by its own
Sure; that adds more interest to the subject
Different and challenging - it is an image I could look at again and again. Congrats ! Prefer the colour version.
Thank you Jim