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Thread: NYC & pneumonia!

  1. #1
    wilgk's Avatar
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    NYC & pneumonia!

    Yes indeed, my Fashionista daughter and I had a lovely trip to the Big Apple. I unfortunately came down with a nasty bug, that developed into pneumonia when I arrived that's all Ive developed, no photos till now.

    I would like to get some printed for home, so I will ask for advice as that progress moves along.

    Here are a couple, one maybe to print, the other just because I liked the quote I found to go with it.

    NYC & pneumonia!

    NYC & pneumonia!

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  2. #2
    bje07's Avatar
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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    #1 why not in 16x9 format with less water?

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Which one did you plan to print and how large? I ask because in both details are important considering the lighting of each. In the first image, there needs to be some separation of the buildings if they are the subject, if it's the boat against the skyline then perhaps shot from another angle of the boat would work better.

    In the second image, again the subject matters and the details of each depend on whether it'll make a good print and the size of the print may help or hinder your vision. I like the shot of the crowd of people gathering around the flagpole, but that large shadow to the right is a bit distracting. The land mass in the background doesn't offer anything interesting but the clouds above are quite interesting. I would also crop out the stony ledge in the foreground and perhaps the tent.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your images. What lens did you use for these and which lenses did you have with you?

  4. #4

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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Jean and John has said it all. I like your images.

  5. #5
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    I very much like the first image; is that shadow of S.O.L? if it is so it adds to the image; but the blurred part in the foreground is a distraction
    Last edited by Wavelength; 17th November 2016 at 05:14 PM.

  6. #6

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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Bad luck with pneumonia Kay I hope you will gain strength soon. I really like #1, cropping a bit of the water might help

  7. #7
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Thanks everyone very much for your replies.
    Jean, that is a good idea, I had a play last night & that crop looks good.
    Thank you John, it is the first one I though of as a print, I will add your edit suggestions and Jean's crop & repost.
    Thanks Maurice.
    Nandakumar- you have spotted it correctly well done!
    The shadow is indeed 'Liberty enlightening the world'
    We got passes not to climb to the very top,or crown, but high pressure on the pedestal.
    I don't know if it works for a wall print, but will cartainly get a page in the book, when I make my travel book of this trip.

    Thank you Binnur, very cross to fall so ill, but on the good side, means I need to go back!

    I ended up taking the 7D with its all in one tamron lens and the cannon 5X compact.
    Worked out ok.

    A highlight of the trip was one of the photography tours, to the top of Grand Central Terminal, looking down through this Arch windows.
    I'll edit one of those & share, 4 people only in our group & allowed to stay & use tripods after the session for as long as we wanted.

  8. #8

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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Quote Originally Posted by bje07 View Post
    #1 why not in 16x9 format with less water?
    Exactly my thoughts. You could probably lose a bit from the sky as well, if needed to fit a standard panoramic size. And I would definitely lose that little strip at the bottom of the second image which is out of focus. Otherwise, these look good to me.

  9. #9
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: NYC & pneumonia!

    Thank you Geoff for viewing and commenting, much appreciated & will edit as all have suggested.

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