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Thread: problems with PS CS3 HDR

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    problems with PS CS3 HDR

    I have shot images at 3 exposures, (0, -1, +1) using both JPEG Large and RAW.

    When I try to combine three images (either 3 JPEG or 3 RAW) into an HDR image, the result comes out far lighter than the over exposed image. I have attempted to correct this using the histogram but, have been insuccessful.

    I have been combining my images in Photoshop using file>automate>merge to HDR.

    I then select the three images and tell Photoshop to combine them.

    My images are shot in the default sequence
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 25th November 2008 at 08:59 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Rotterdam Nederland

    Re: problems with PS CS3 HDR

    open photoshop then automate then merge to hdr
    select your photo's and click ok
    when its done select bit depth and set it to 16 or 8 bit and click ok
    now it will merge to hdr
    now a window pops up hdr conversion
    click on the arrow toning and histogram so u see the histogram
    now set method to local adaptation and start sliding whit the histogram til u like it
    then click ok and edit it in photoshop

  3. #3
    tonyjr's Avatar
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    Roy A Morales jr

    Re: problems with PS CS3 HDR

    Thanks F ART . I am just starting to play with HDR .

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