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Thread: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

  1. #1

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    Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Hi: I bought a new Canon 80D and now I can't read my RAW files. I had Windows 10 before I got the new camera and was reading RAW files from my 50D just fine. I have tried using FastPictureViewer Codec Pack and it worked for a while. Now after some Windows 10 updates I can only see some of the thumb nails. I use Adobe Elements 14 for my processing software. I can open these files in Adobe Elements but can't view all the thumb nails.

    This is a real problem when you have over 1000 images to check and edit if you have to open them all individually to preview.

    Anyone have any similar problems and/or suggestions?

  2. #2
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Did your camera come with any Canon software that you could use as a 'viewer' and then open any of the RAW from this that you want to edit in Elements?

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Hi Debra

    I haven't tried it but Adobe Bridge CC may be your answer. Apparently it's free.


  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Also, Elements comes with an organizer that allows you to view files, sort, tag, etc. It's a bit slow to upload but then they all are.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    It looks like the culprit is that Microsoft has not updated its codec pack and any software running on your computer does not recognize this relatively new camera. Unlike camera / photo editing software makers, the operating system makers do not seem to be in any great rush to update this part of their OS.

    Canon's DPP should work for you as would a multitude of third party solutions. Both Adobe Lightroom and Phase One Capture One are probably the two most common solutions, although I have been using Adobe Bridge for a long time (which I use in conjunction with Photoshop).

  6. #6

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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10


    Thanks for all the help! I guess Adobe Elements 14 doesn't work with Adobe Bridge. I tried running Photoshop and Lightroom through Creative Cloud subscription and my computer doesn't seem to have the capacity to run this program. It bogs way down. I expect it would be the same with any of the larger photo editing softwares. I will have to wait til I can upgrade my computer to something that can handle this kind of stuff. Until then I am stuck with Adobe Elements and even that can be slow. I do have the Canon software that came with the camera and see what happens when I use that, and I will try the AE Organizer. If I can just see them, I can drag the ones I want to edit into another folder or something and just go to editing from there. Maybe one day soon MS will create an upgrade for the Codec. Thanks!!

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    You have Lightroom as part of CC, so give that a try.

  8. #8
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Another one you can try is the free FastStone Image Viewer. This can view the embedded jpegs in raw files (which is what the Microsoft codecs do too).


  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10


    Just to be clear about your original issue, when you say view through Windows 10 I assume you mean through File Explorer. If you are talking about when you use the Open function in Elements are you talking about the pop up window that allows you to select a file to open? If so, do you have All Formats selected next to the File Name?

  10. #10
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Quote Originally Posted by DebraM63 View Post
    I guess Adobe Elements 14 doesn't work with Adobe Bridge.
    Hi again Debra

    I was probably a bit brief in my post 3 but according to this article, Bridge CC can be used with Photoshop Elements, but not with full functionality. It should however serve your purpose in reviewing the thumbnails of the raw files. I'd suggest you have a close look at this article including the Q's and A's

    I'm unable to test it I'm afraid as I use Bridge/CS6 and don't have Elements installed.

    Also you should have got DPP with the camera and this will let you view the Canon raw files in a browsing environment.

    Last edited by dje; 21st November 2016 at 07:48 AM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Viewing Raw Files from 80D in Windows 10

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    Hi again Debra

    I was probably a bit brief in my post 3 but according to this article, Bridge CC can be used with Photoshop Elements, but not with full functionality. It should however serve your purpose in reviewing the thumbnails of the raw files. I'd suggest you have a close look at this article including the Q's and A's

    I'm unable to test it I'm afraid as I use Bridge/CS6 and don't have Elements installed.

    Also you should have got DPP with the camera and this will let you view the Canon raw files in a browsing environment.

    Thanks for the info!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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