The earthquake that has rocked our capital Wellington and shattered the environment around the coastal town of Kaikoura has coincidentally occurred on the 75th anniversary of the creation of New Zealand's independent navy. To celebrate that event naval ships from many countries came to share in the festivities, which were much enjoyed by all.
However ships from the US, Canadian, Australian and NZ navies went down to lend assistance to the areas devastated by the earthquake and its aftershocks. Their helicopters carried out refugees and visitors along with their possessions, and brought in supplies and equipment to support those in need and reconstruct infrastructure that has been broken. Their crews helped in repairs, transport and managed logistics.
They missed most of the events but they made a magnificent sight as they sailed belatedly into Auckland Harbour today. Not great photos technically as they were wrapped in a heat haze off the ocean, but they were a sight for sore eyes.
A big thanks to them for coming to our assistance.