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Thread: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

  1. #1

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    On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Hi guys
    I gather On1 Raw is released today for people who have preordered it and wondering how it perfroms please?

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    There's a thread running over on DPR.

    It seems like On1 has pushed out a buggy beta to meet a date. Have a read.


  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    It seems like On1 has pushed out a buggy beta to meet a date
    It sounds like the OnOne marketing department might have just shot itself in the foot. There are a number of really good raw converters on the market and a buggy "me too" product is not what anyone needs. Releasing a product that is not ready to meet a date is always a risky tactic.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    I have pre-ordered the On-One RAW but, have heard nothing from ON1 regarding its release...

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Releasing a product that is not ready to meet a date is always a risky tactic.
    Especially given the time they have been promising its release!. I think I first heard of a promised release back in May you would think it would be a bit less buggy than it appears. Shame was thinking of buying it as you can`t free trial it until December. Looking more like Acdsee Ultimate 10 for me
    Last edited by Gasman; 23rd November 2016 at 05:21 PM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Especially given the time they have been promising its release!. I think I first heard of a promised release back in May you would think it would be a bit less buggy than it appears. Shame was thinking of buying it as you can`t free trial it until December.
    With the highly regarded converters on the market from Phase One and DxO, I seriously wonder why OnOne and others are trying to get into the market that is dominated by Adobe.

    Being late seems to be a "feature" of any new software release. The optimists seem to plan the release dates and this never seems to align with what the developers are capable of delivering.

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    I suppose purely from an amateurs point of view and as I`m still learning I personally couldn`t justify subscribing to Adobe yet maybe when I know more about what I want?. Must admit having tested quite a few apps I`ve been very impressed with Acdsee`s offering and they have a black friday price at the mo

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    The other factor they will have to contend with is the vast support infrastructure around Adobe's products, whereas On1 RAW is starting from ground zero. Time will tell, but I would not expect it to be a serious contender in less than a year.


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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Seems to be a common thing with new software Dave, Affinity photo promised great things on its Windows release but they seem to be having many bug reports. I suppose all these new pp apps must be good for the consumer in the long term at least to keep the big boys on their toes😀!

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Seems to be a common thing with new software Dave, Affinity photo promised great things on its Windows release but they seem to be having many bug reports. I suppose all these new pp apps must be good for the consumer in the long term at least to keep the big boys on their toes😀!
    There is an old adage when it comes to software; never buy the first release.

    In my view, you are probably better staying away from the likes of Affinity and the new OnOne raw converter and sticking with the more established players out there. ACDsee has been around for years, as has Corel's Paint Shop Pro and After Shot Pro. Both companies have a loyal following for these products.

  11. #11
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    What, you mean you never bought Windows 1.0 when it first came out? Yeah, I know what you mean. Never the first release. Regarding ON1, I'm using their trial version of resize 10 and really like it. I will probably buy it. I also downloaded their free effects. I'm happy that I purchased PS 5 and LR a couple of years ago. I know just enough to do what I want in PP and I would not buy another raw converter because I don't want to relearn a bunch of stuff. At my age my mind can't deal with new ideas (dern young whipper snappers) and I don't want my head to explode. Actually I have thought about maybe buying another raw converter but that lasted about four heart beats. No, I'll keep what I've got. No subscription and all.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    There is an old adage when it comes to software; never buy the first release.

    In my view, you are probably better staying away from the likes of Affinity and the new OnOne raw converter and sticking with the more established players out there. ACDsee has been around for years, as has Corel's Paint Shop Pro and After Shot Pro. Both companies have a loyal following for these products.

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by motordrive View Post
    What, you mean you never bought Windows 1.0 when it first came out?
    Actually I did... I bought Windows 2 as well...

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    I suppose purely from an amateurs point of view and as I`m still learning I personally couldn`t justify subscribing to Adobe yet maybe when I know more about what I want?. Must admit having tested quite a few apps I`ve been very impressed with Acdsee`s offering and they have a black friday price at the mo
    Which version of Acdsee are you thinking about - just to get an idea of the cost you're currently looking at?

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Acdsee Ultimate 10 they have it for 99 dollars for black friday!.

  15. #15
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    Thats about £80 at the minute - you can get Lightroom AND Photoshop CC 2017 for about £100. Yes that is for a year but they are the industry standard, they do include vast numbers of cameras and lens profiles that are updated very quickly as new products launch, they do have extensive support both from Adobe and a vast community of users, they do give you far more features and options and you get mobile platform apps and cloud storage as part of the package.

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    Re: On1 Raw released,anyone tried it?

    I have been using On1 software for the last couple of years and I like what it is capable of.
    On1 Effects is a very useful plugin with quite a handful of presets ("Dynamic Contrast" being the one coming to my mind first) very easy to work with; hundreds of different look and feels for an image just one click away.

    I was looking forward to their PhotoRAW and following the progress closely because it has the potential to be a great piece of software; basically I could give up on using Adobe Bridge (On1 Browse could replace it) and skip Photoshop most of the time when my images need just a little bit of touch.
    It is not easy to fill Adobe's shoes because Adobe had been improving ACR for many years now and it is an awesome product full of features; basically, many times I go to Photoshop just to be able to save a *.jpg. Just because Photoshop doesn't get much use, On1's alternative to ACR might be just enough to make my workflow very simple; that's what I am hoping for.

    On1's prelaunch version can be called indeed an "alpha" version because there are quite a few features missing and quite a lot of bugs but they promise to fix many of them with their official release. I am looking forward to that.
    I know they have a long road ahead, full with feature requests and bug reports but I believe they can do it.
    Anyway, I will keep using my ACR, Bridge and Photoshop until On1 will get close enough to offer an alternative.

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