I have been following this family of swans since May of this year.
Originally there was 7 cygnets, within the first week of hatching, 2 cygnets were taken by Gulls and within the next week an other was taken.
C&C very welcome.
5 cygnets date taken 24 May. f14 1/125sec ISO 100 FL 300mm
This was the only image I got of the 5 cygnets together, soon after this 1 cygnet was taken.
Proud Parent date taken 30 May f5 1/250 ISO 100 FL 70mm
When the cygnets entered the water from the nest one of the parents would go and chase off the other wild fowl, by fluffing up it's feathers and head towards them.
Keeping clean one. date taken 29 September f5 1/640sec ISO 100 FL 70mm
Keeping clean six date taken 3 October f7.1 1/320 ISO 100 FL 70mm
Keeping there feathers clean was a very important part of the swans and cygnets life.
Low flying date taken 20 October f18 1/800sec ISO 400 FL 210mm
With this image, I was taken a bit unaware. I heard the wing beat behind me and turned and took the shot.
Parents and three date taken 31 October f8 1/1000sec ISO 400 FL 531mm
In this image, I tried to focus on the cygnets and have the parents slightly OOF.
All together for the last time date taken 25 November f5 1/1000 ISO 200 FL 140mm
This was the last image I took of them all together. By the next day 3 of the cygnets have been chased of by their parents.
Time to Go date taken 26 November f5 1/250sec ISO 250 FL 135mm
This is the last cygnet getting told it is time to go.
By this time the pond was almost completely frozen over
I have thoroughly enjoyed the last six months watching and taking photos of this family of swans.