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Thread: First landscape shots - C&C much appreciated

  1. #1
    dragonaxe's Avatar
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    First landscape shots - C&C much appreciated

    Well, I finally managed to get myself out of bed before dawn yesterday, and headed 20mins down the road to Pegwell Bay (apparently where the Romans and Vikings first landed in England). It was beautiful to be able to see the dawn. Anyway, C&C would be greatfully received.




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    Last edited by carregwen; 19th September 2010 at 02:01 PM. Reason: corrected image postings to make full-size.

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: First landscape shots - C&C much appreciated

    Beautiful early morning shots Gareth. I really mustn't be so lazy, and try getting up in the mornings.
    Two points if I may. Your horizons are not level in some of the images which is a pity, and is easily corrected. The large images you posted are still quite small (try 700 pixels) but it would appear that your depth of focus is too shallow, so where you have the foreground in focus, the background is out of focus. This may of course be deliberate, in which case I apologise, but if otherwise you might try a smaller aperture.

  3. #3

    Re: First landscape shots - C&C much appreciated


    I corrected your posted images to get the larger size. You might like to read this. under_the_pier Apologies if you already have.

    These are very nice landscapes, with excellent colours. However, I think you didn't use a tripod. The shutter speed on several of them is slow and the they do look a little blurred. Also, one or two of them would have benefited from f/16 rather than f/5. If you want to check the horizon level in Photoshop jsut draw a box with the top edge along the horizon for a visual check. Or use the ruler tool to do the same thing - that also automatically sets the degrees adjustment needed for the image rotate command.

  4. #4
    dragonaxe's Avatar
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    Re: First landscape shots - C&C much appreciated

    Thanks guys I can't believe I didn't spot the unlevel horizons! I did use a tripod for most of the pics I took (not the one's I posted though), but they all have lens flare in them!! Grrrrrrrrr. I'll have a play in CS2 over the next couple of days and post them......needless to say a 3axis hotshoe spirit level and lens hood have been "Ebay'ed" this weekend! lol

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