Thank you Grahame. To answer your points:
a) I took the shot hand-held. I really should get into the habit of using my tripod more, I know.
b) I've checked a recently-taken shot from this lens, f16 @ 10mm and it looks pretty sharp all across the frame. It was taken hand-held, only 1/50 sec, but no polarizer.
c) Shot in RAW and processed with DPP then in PSE with USM applied.
d) I've done very little shooting with the CPL or this lens. In fact one of the things I was trying on this particular outing was to get to grips with them a bit more.
e) Supposed to be a good CPL (Hoya Pro 1).
The lens is the older Sigma 10-20, F4 minimum aperture.
I will do some more test shots with tripod at different apertures and focal lengths without the CPL when the weather next permits.
I think your conversion is a big improvement,