I have just received my Kaavie Pro 4 Way Focusing Rail Slider and was eager to try it out.
This is my first attempt to take multi pictures with the view of stacking them in PS (blend layers).
I took 19 separate images by moving the focus rail in small increments.
#1 is the first image I took with focus on the front of the coin.
#2 is the final image after blending in PS.
Kit used Canon 1100D, Canon EF 100mm 1:2.8 USM macro lens, Manfrotto 055 tripod, Manfrotto pan and tilt head, Kaavie focusing rail and a Polariod ring macro light, used off camera.
Camera set on manual and manually focused first image.
The camera was connected to my laptop with live view and for remotely taking the shots.
C&C most welcome
1 first image. f11, .5sec, ISO 100, FL 100mm
2 final image. f11, .5sec, ISO 100, FL 100mm